Young, Wild and Free

Times Square, NYC with my little boy, Sammy

It was the Summer of 2013. Sammy and I spent the day together in Times Square, NYC. We were just a couple of kids kicking together. Young, wild and free. And in a blink of an eye, 7 years passed and he’s gone.

The only thing I can say is that when you’re standing inside of a moment, you’re standing inside of a future memory. Now, that happens to be logistically true. But it also pays me no solace in Sammy’s absence. I’d prefer no logic in order to have him back.

It’s like Forest Gump’s Mom used to say, “Death is just a part of life.” But, it’s like Forest used to say about that, “I sure wish it wasn’t.” – I agree with Forest Gump. I wish it wasn’t part of life either.