The Texas Abortion Ban – A Violation to Humanity

Picture by: NARAL

On September 1st, 2021, the Texas Heartbeat Act went into effect banning abortions by the 6 week mark of pregnancy. That’s really extreme considering most women don’t know they’re pregnant until week four through seven. Sometimes several months pass before a woman realizes she’s pregnant. 

By Texas banning abortions at the 6 week mark and after, it is effectively banning all abortions. Now, 85% of women seeking abortions in Texas will be prohibiited. Even rape and incest are not exlusions. In other words, if a woman gets raped, and she doesn’t realize she’s pregnant until after the 6 week mark, the law is forcing her to see the pregnancy through. The only exception to the abortion ban is for medical emergencies only. Women have essecntially become properties of the state.

Scarily enough, the Texas Abortion Ban gets even more extreme. The Heartbeat Act will be exclusively enforced through civil action by the private citizens of Texas. Any person may bring civil action against anyone who performs an abortion or helps in the process of getting an abortition. If the civil action is won in court, the citizen will be awarded $10,000. 

This new Texas abortion ban basically eradicates Roe v. Wade without having to go through all the legal hurdles. Governor Gregg Abbott recently tweeted that Texas will always defend the right to life. But, Abbott left out the most important hypocrisy of pro-life legislators: Once the child is born, they don’t care what happens to that child. Just ask the 30,000 kids in Foster care in Texas. Life is hard enough even as a wanted child. As an unwanted child, it’s next to impossible. Where is Greg Abbott’s Concern for the lives below? 

1. The mass shooting epidemic
2. Sending troops into frivolous wars
3. The 7.5 million people on eviction row right now
4. Mass Incarceration
5. Kids in orphanages
6. The homeless
7. The poor

People should propose a bill to Congress forcing men to get vasectomies until they’re ready to have children. Vasectomies are reversible after all. Then, once a man has 3 kids, force them to get another vasectomy, only this time for life. That sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s how crazy the new Texas Abortion ban sounds to women. Men would never allow any laws to pass that control their bodies. Men have gone to war with other countries for far less of a violation than this one towards women with respect to abortions.

Texas took a giant step backward for mankind as a whole regarding their abortion ban. We can thank the Supreme Court for this when they refused to block a Texas law prohibiting most abortions on August 31st, 2021. We’ve all seen many of the humorous memes about handmaids like Amy Coney Barret. It’s not so humorous now, is it? She didn’t act alone either. Gorcesh, Kavanaugh and 2 others also voted to refuse blocking a Texas law prohibiting most abortions. This abortion ban is so extreme, Texas might as well strip women of their right to vote as well. Why not just send them back to the year 1919 and right back into the kitchen?

Sizing Up All the Noise and Getting Personal 

The best thing any of us can do for the world is to help the life that’s already here (both animals and people), versus creating new human life. Why feed a society like this? – Let the powers that be send their kids to the front lines of frivilous wars. Have their kids work for starvation wages. That’s what this is about. Yes, it’s guised under “Defending the right to life.” But, actions speak louder than words. The actions of pro-life legislators are Not in sync with their messages. Please refer to the list of 7 above. 

I’ve been through 2 abortions with 2 different women in my life. I’m not proud of it. But, thank goodness those decisions were made back then. We would’ve been terrible parents and the kids would’ve had miserable lives.  As mentioned above, life is hard enough even as a wanted child. As an unwanted child, it’s next to impossible. 

Everyone should practice safe sex. But, that’s not a perfect system. People are always going to get hot for each other and accidents will happen. Women need and deserve an option for those accidents and/or just a change of heart. 

Pro Choice is not about politics. It’s about humanity.