Susan Rubin Strikes Again – They are All scam Facebook Accounts

Dear Facebook, Instagram and other Communities who have recieved my email today:

Please accept my email and article as a formal complaint against Susan Rubin of Washington DC… I did report this to META Business already, but I wanted to make sure you had access to a more detailed written report. For the past several months, I have been bombarded with Rubin’s scam Facebook accounts, claiming to be from the Facebook Support Team directly.. The scam accounts say that I am vioating community standards, copyright infringement, advertising violations and etc.. These accounts send me messages, post comments in the dialogue threads of my posts, and they also post on the timelines of my pages.. All the comments contain fraudulent phishing links, where if you click on them, they can take control of your pages.. I am asking Facebook and Instagram to investigate Susan Rubin’s personal FB account, and her FB page, “From the Pound to the Penthouse..” She just continues to swim in all sorts of malfeasances, committing fraud and crimes.

You can read the comments from the scam accounts on the left side of the collage images enclosed, including the cover image above. And on the right, you’ll see the actual profile pictures of the scam accounts. I’ve included a few examples throughout this article. None of these accounts are actually with Facebook.. Susan Rubin is now impostering and plagiarizing dozens of Facebook accounts with the intent of stealing digital properties.. The last image in this article portrays the infomercial quack from the Home Shopping Network and NYC dentist Jennifer Jablow.. While I don’t believe Jablow is connected to Rubin’s scam Facebook accounts, I am 100% confident that she participated in Rubin’s fraudulent campaign on GoFundMe from November 2023 through March 2024.. I know this because of Jablow’s cyber attack on me, where she spammed one of my communities for a straight 30 minutes, along with the comments she was making during her raid on February 11th, 2024.. But, I will say this, no matter how many dasterdly acts that I am hit with by Rubin, and/or NYC dentist Jennifer Jablow, I will continue to rise to the occassion and respond with the truth, evidence and facts.

My name is Scott Smith from South Florida.. I am originally from New York.. I am 55 years old, and this not a joke.. I am the founder of the DriveWithCompassion(dot)com movement and website. I will leave my contact information and links to some of my platforms at the bottom of this article.. But, right now, I have BabyLady on my mind.

Before continuing, please note that I am willing to do a screen-sharing session with anyone who would like to see more of Rubin’s scam Facebook accounts.

This is one of dozens of scam accounts Susan Rubin is affiliated with. All of her scam accounts have phishing links in the comments.

To the other communities who have received my email and this article today, I had not planned on reaching out again since I showed you my article on March 6th, 2024, about Rubin and Jablow’s fraudulent campaign on GoFundMe regarding my dog BabyLady.. I also shared Rubin’s false report call to 311 Broward County, where she was caught on a recorded line for 12 minutes. That was the call where she clamined to be a mother from South Florida, who was worried about her CHILDREN….. But, Susan Rubin has no children. She does not even have one child.. And she lives in Washington Dc.. The entire call was a false report. Take a listen from the 6.35 minute mark, to the 6.45 minute mark. Listen to how she referred to her “CHILDREN” that she does Not even have..

What is Rubin’s goal with all these scams and fraud? – Let me answer that for you.

Keep in mind, Susan Rubin has no remorse for what she has done and attempted to do to my family, dogs, and myself. She is only upset that she got caught. And she got CAUGHT, but good!!! – Rubin’s goal is to stop me from shining any more light on her violations of our agreements regarding my dog, BabyLady, and her fraudulent campaign on GoFundMe, where she and Jennifer Jablow used pictures of another dog, not in their possession and unrelated to the dogs she was supposedly raising money for.. Rubin also lied about BabyLady’s physical condition in her fraudulent campaign, asking her community to “keep donating so BabyLady could walk again.” – Which is interesting considering BabyLady was walking and running with me and my pack for six years. She has been walking and running since first being pulled off the street in Morovis, Puerto Rico, by my animal rescue friend, Anitza Burgos, in the summer of 2018.. The entire GoFundMe campaign was a top-to-bottom fraud.

One of dozens of scam FB accounts controlled by Rubin. The commens are on the left. The account profile is on the right.

Making a False Report call is a CRIME in all 50 states

Rubin desperately wants me to take down the false report call that she made to 311 Broward, which was caught on a recorded line. She knows that making an intentional false report call is a crime in all 50 states. In some states, it’s a misdemeanor, and in others, it’s a felony.. This criminal 311 call that Susan Rubin made is lesson in life for all of us. Just because we think we know someone, does not mean we actually know them.. Listen to Susan Rubin tell you herself who she really is for a straight 12 minutes. I understand that she wants the call to disappear. But, what she did, and said, can never be forgetten or unheard.

What is the way out for Susan Rubin?

Rubin must take responsibility for what she has done and hand BabyLady back over to me immediately. She has no legal or ethical rights to BabyLady, and is in violation of everything we agreed upon. Regarding the fraud and criminality that Rubin has already engaged in (her fraudulent campaign on GoFundMe, stealing intellectual property to market her scam campaign, making an intentional false report call to 311 Broward, and now being affiliated with dozens of scam Facebook accounts), well, that’s up to the regulatory agencies. I’m not the law.. However, my family and I do believe that Rubin will end up being arrested for making this false report call.

NYC dentist Jennifer Jablow must also take responsibility for her actions. She is the one who initiated all of this on February 11th, 2024.. Some of you might have seen that right inside one of my communities. Despite Jablow’s position, she 100% participated in Rubin’s fraudulent campaign on GoFundMe.. Remember, they launched their scam campaign in mid-November of 2023, one month before I even gave BabyLady to Susan Rubin for a trial period on December 13th, 2023.. I did not find out about any of this until mid-February 2024.. Had I known earlier, I would have exposed both of them right then and there, instead of March 6th, 2024.

Jennifer Jablow – A racket with Customer Reviews

On the left, Jennifer Jablow is reviewing her own product on Amazon as if she’s a customer. Yet, she is the owner and makes no mention of that. On the right, is a Google review from a patient at some point. It was a negative review. So, Jablow blasted him with the religion card.

In this last section of the article, I am going to highlight some of Jablow’s shady business practices. As I mentioned back in March of 2024, I grew up in the same town on Long Island, New York, as Jennifer Jablow.. She was always a fake and phony person, even back then.. Today, she’s just an older version of her younger phony self.. It is no surprise to me that she goes on Amazon (image above on the left) and gives herself a 5-star review as if she’s a regular customer, without mentioning that she is the owner of the business. Then, heaven forbid, if someone gives her dental services a negative Google review (image above on the right), the good ole doctor will blast you with the religion card. Is that really the fraud of the century? – No, it’s not. But it is unethical as f**k.

My dad was Jewish by the way. He died in 1984.. He would be rolling over in his grave if he read such rubbish.. I am not Jewish as my mother is Italian Catholic.. But, it’s behavior like this, that ‘sometimes,’ gives Jewish people an UNDESERVED bad reputation. As a humanitarian, I am offended on behalf of Jewish people around the world, who are constantly under siege, that a NYC quack would exploit their plight in the name of her dental services and/or BS teeth whitening products on the Home Shopping Network.

I will never stop fighting to bring BabyLady home to Florida with the truth, evidence, and facts.

Thank you for hearing me out. I really appreciate it.

Scott Smith

BabyLady on Facebook
EverybodyLoveSammy on FB
Dr. Harp Seal on SoundCloud
Dr. Harp Seal on FB