Humanity is On the Rise

Humanity is on the Rise

The Coronavirus has forced humanity to slow down and take a look at itself. 

People from all over the world are putting aside their religion, nationality, gender, political ideologies, sexual orientation and education to come together and defeat a global threat traveling at light speed, the coronavirus.

Maybe tragedy was necessary to shine light on what’s been true all along. We’re all citizens of the same world. We all breathe the same oxygen. If you take away our ideological differences stripping us down to just our biological state, we’re all really the same. Aren’t we?

Today, I feel more like a citizen of the world than I do an American. My American oxygen is no different than the oxygen of countries and cultures that I have nothing in common with. And because of that realization, I actually have the most important thing in common with all of those countries and cultures, The Planet!!!

Oh yes friends, Humanity is on the Rise. Humanity is most definitely on the rise. I’m fired up.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Citizen of the World.

Scared and Alone – Together and Complete

I had a million great reasons to not pull Lucky off the street on May 10th, 2017 in Puerto Rico. None of them were good enough.

The Greatest thing anyone can do for the world is to rescue an animal. Why? -Because nobody needs it more.

The reason I put animals before people is because people can take care of both. Animals cannot.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

A Random Act of Kindness

Romeo before and after being pulled off the street in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico – December 2018

There’s a lot of bad things gong on in the world. It’s very overwhelming and leaves us susceptible to doing nothing. After all, what possible difference can someone make? – This is Romeo on the left when my friend, Keyshla pulled him off the street in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico in December of 2018. On the right is Romeo after living with me for only 6 weeks.

A random act of kindness may not change the world, but it changes the world for the Recipient of that Kindness. Everyone can do that. And collectively when we do, it makes the world a better place. Every time we rescue an animal, we create a miracle. Why? – Because nobody needs it more than them.

Please DriveWithCompassion. There are stay animals in the street.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father and General to the greatest WolfPack in the history of the world. WolfPack 8 to be precise.

Animal Rescue is a State of an Emergency

If you don’t believe me, just ask all the animals stuck in shelters.

Please step up for animals at your local shelters to foster and/or adopt. It never feels like the right time, but it’s always the right time. Most of them are on death row scared and alone.

The Path to a better World flows through the Humane treatment of all Animals.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father and General to the greatest Wolfpack in the history of the world.

A Pomeranian and New York University

Only in NYC can a ten pound Pomeranian hang out with the business crowd in Times Square and nobody bats an eye. That’s New York City for you.

Coming from New York and deciding to go to New York University always bewildered my friends.

They used to say to me, “Scott, why would you go to NYU when you’re going to spend your whole life in New York? Don’t you want experience other parts of the country?

My answer was always the same; “Why would I want to do that?” NYC has people from all over the world. So by staying in NYC, I’m experiencing the world right here.” – Graduated NYU In 1993 with an accounting degree.

Still Sammy –

Through the Years

I never forget where it all began. It was Sammy that lead the way on this animal advocacy journey we’ve all been on.

We started out on the 54th Floor in the sky on 38th Street and 1st Avenue. We made our way all over NYC. We spent 4.3 years in Puerto Rico. We rescued 5 strays off the street. We lost Patrick in August of 2018.

Now, we’re in Florida starting over again. The Wolfpack is back together as of Thursday.

Sammy is 14 years old. This picture is from last night. – What’s next? I don’t know.

But until then, we’ll be going FB Live next Sunday at 7:30 pm EST.

Have a nice evening friends.


The Gun Industry – A House of Cards

This is the end of the Gun Industry as we know it. They can’t hide behind the words “The Right to Bear Arms” any longer. The gig is up. American knows that Guns are bad news. Quick Read:

Towards the end, I am going to cite an example with cocaine as the subject. It will be very easy and clear to understand. Then we can extrapolate the same for guns.

Over the past few months I have written extensively about America’s addiction to guns. Many of you have seen that. As such, I am going to keep it simple tonight. On August 11th, 2019 I wrote “The Times They Are A-Changin’ – And So Too Shall They for Guns.”

Guess what? It’s not even a month later, and so they have changed. Haven’t they? Walmart, Krogers, CVS, Walgreens and Wegmans, the biggest companies in the world are going to ask customers to stop openly carrying firearms. They’re also going to stop selling ammunition for military-style rifles and handguns, and will push Congress to pass tighter gun-control laws. It shows us that we don’t have wait for politicians to do the right thing. The people can force the markets hands.


If we dump 5 tons of Cocaine in neighborhood A, and in Neighborhood B, we dump thousands of books to read. Which Neighborhood will have more drug addicts at the end of the year? – You see folks, IT IS THE GUNS. IT IS THE GUNS.

Friends, we are finally going head to head with Stage 4 Gun Cancer. I’m proud of America. Not a proud American, but proud of America. To be a proud American, I need to see a war waged in the name of animal welfare.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s father. I stand vehemently against Hunting and the entire Gun Industry.

Thank you for reading.

Hurricane Maria – 4 Days After She Hit Puerto Rico

This video was shot 4 days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on September 24th, 2017. It is quite riveting to say the least. In the video I talk about how Hurricane Maria was very reminiscent to 9/11 in the sense that we went to bed in one life and woke up in another life. I also talk about the similarities in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and the Great Depression. Lastly, and just as importantly, I talk about how I truly understand what it’s like to live like an animal and the daily struggle to survive.

You can listen by Audio, or read the transcriptions below the audio:

Hurricane Maria was Puerto Rico’s 9/11. No question about it.

Good evening friends, thank you very much for stopping by I really appreciate that. Thank you for all the texts, the voice mails, the comments and all the help that’s been offered, that really rallied my morale, which to say the least, needed some rallying. I have a lot to comment on, I’m going to just read what I wrote so I don’t forget it. For the purposes of this video, just assume right now that it’s Sunday night September 24th at 7:15 pm that’s when this is intended to be posted. Puerto Rico has been devastated, it’s not an exaggeration, you see it on TV, you probably see it better than I do, you have the bird’s eye view from the helicopters from the main network so we don’t see on the ground but it has been that devastating.

To be honest, to me it felt like another 9/11 I remember going to bed on September 10th, 2001 not realizing that would be the last day that I ever slept downtown in New York City again. This was very reminiscent that four days ago on Wednesday September 20th. I remember the night before going to bed obviously we were expecting it the following morning. I went to bed on September 19th, 2017 on a Tuesday and we woke up on Wednesday and our lives changed on a dime, just like that. Here we are in recovery mode, so to speak, assessing the damage. Let me say why Hurricane Maria to me had extra bite and teeth even beyond the physical damage that it did; Hurricane Maria, despite being expected, caught people off guard. People in Puerto Rico, like myself were still exhausted from Hurricane Irma. Many people were still without power since Hurricane Irma hit on September 6th, so two weeks before Hurricane Maria even struck we had been dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma and the no power and just the complete just down of Puerto Rico, if you will, in terms of operating normally. The roads, the power, the communication had been annihilated. Although some of the stores are starting to open again, they only take cash and because the power is out, the banking system is paralyzed. So people find themselves in a catch 22, you can only use cash but you don’t have cash. Where are we going with that? Obviously people have some petty cash, but thats gonna have to be rectified as quickly as anything else. As many of you know, Puerto Rico was already dire straits financially, the truth is they’ve been struggling since 2006. And unlike the US, who had a financial crash in 2008 but then bounced into recovery and now prosperity, Puerto Rico never bounced. I did notice some signs of stabilization pre-hurricane, at the moment I can’t say that with confidence anymore. When the dust clears I will make sure to keep prepared for hurricanes in the future. My family and I used to travel to Puerto Rico in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s I don’t remember experiencing such hurricanes, but that might have to do with the fact that we didn’t travel in the hurricane season.

Friends, you know I’m a slow learner, I just caught on to that, hurricane season means hurricanes could happen, but we didn’t travel during that time of the year in those years when we used to travel to Puerto Rico. The being is I’m very fond of this Island and I’ve felt this way for decades. So, where do we go from here? Here’s where: we’re going to suit up and  show up. We’re going to man up because the sun will shine again, nothing lasts forever even cold November rain, Guns N’ Roses had that one right, didn’t they? I certainly need to remind myself about that now. With that, Peace and Love, friends. Here’s a toast to brighter days ahead because they are coming.

Sincerely, Scott Smith

The Day the Music Died – August 19th, 2018

My sweet Patrick was killed by the front and back tire of a car on August 19th, 2018. I was madly in love with him. I died with him that day. I’ve never been the same. Being Patrick’s human Dad was the greatest Job that I’ve ever had, or will have. My life was about making him happy. As I’ve written many times, I would’ve moved mountains and swam across oceans for him.

I’ve made a lot of new friends in the past year and have been reacquainted with old ones. A lot of people have asked me “Who is Patrick and what happened to him?” – Some even call me Patrick not realizing that anything happened.

This video is about my life with Patrick, his death, animal rescue in Puerto Rico, Patrick Swayze (yes, Patrick Swayze), and the introduction of rescue dog, BabyLady. The message is sad, moving, inspiring and ends up on a big up note. It was published on October 17th, 2018, sixty days after Patrick was killed.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s human Dad.

The Greatest Love Story In A Thousand Years