“You know, I have CHILDREN.” – It was Susan Rubin of DC – It was False Report

Susan Rubin of DC is the lady who ran a fraudulent campain on GoFundMe from Nov 2023 through March of 2024.

It is a crime in all 50 states to make a false report call. In some states, it’s a misdemeanor, and in others, it’s a felony.

We finally received the transcription of Susan Rubin’s false report call to 311 Broward from March 6th, 2024 at 4:23 pm. As you may remember, Rubin is the lady from Washington, DC, who was caught on a recorded line making a false report call to 311 Broward. She called in claming to be Maria Sanchez, a worried mother living in South Florida.. Here’s the thing, Susan Rubin lives in Washington DC and she has No children. Rubin was not even able to pronounce the city she claimed to be living in. We have the recording, and below is the transcription of the recording.

This is the same lady who ran a fraudulent campaign on GoFundMe with her friend, New York City dentist Jennifer Jablow, from November 2023 to March 2024.. They used pictures of a dog not in their possession and unrelated to the dogs they were supposedly raising money for. Additionally, Rubin and Jablow lied about the physical condition of one of the dogs in their scam campaign.

Now, it is advised to listen to the call and read the context surrounding it before reading the transcript. Nonetheless, the transcript is below:


Operator: This is Pam, how may I help you? 

Operator: So, are they owned animals by any chance? 

Operator: Okie-doke. What, um, where is this at? What city in Broward County is it located? 

Operator: All right. Ma’am, I need to give you the North Miami call center number. 

Caller: Okay, listen. I have called, uh, 954-834-1000, 954-493… 
Operator: 95… 
Caller: 95477… 
Operator: Ma’am… Caller: I’ve called like four different numbers.
Operator: But… 

Operator: All right, if you let me finish my sentence. The Miami Beach call center is a completely different telephone number than area code 954. They have a different area code, which is… 
Caller: I just want to talk to… Right, but you deal with animal issues, right? 
Operator: We do in Broward County, not in North Miami. I can get… 
Caller: So, I was told that… Can I give you the address?
Operator: I can’t look it up, ma’am. 
Caller: I was told… I was told this is Broward County, okay? I called…
Operator: Let me have the address. Let me have the address, ma’am. What is…

Operator: Hallandale maybe? Okay. 

Operator: That would be us. Well, you’re saying North Miami, so that’s different altogether. 

Caller: Okay, sorry, I was wrong. I was wrong. We call it North Miami, but never mind. 

Operator: First name? 

Operator: Thank you. And your telephone number is what? Caller: 305-783-5922. 

Operator: Thank you. What is the address? At your home address? 

Operator: And that’s Hallandale, too, right? Okay. Caller: Mm-hmm [assenting, agreeing]. 

Operator: One minute, please. All right. And the man’s address is 805, right? Northeast 4th. Okay. 

Caller: Do you want his name?

Operator: Wait one second. Owner is… Is he elderly or something? Or what? 

Caller: No. Who is the owner? Who do you have in your…? 

Operator: I don’t know. I have no idea. I’m just putting this in a data system. 

Caller: He is… Okay. ah, he’s not the owner, he rents. And there’s three people who live there. He’s one of 

them. He’s not elderly. He’s about 50. But he’s mentally unstable. 

Operator: Okay. 

Caller: And he’s threatened several neighbors. 

Operator: All right. So, renter lives at location. Are they his dogs? 

Caller: Yes. Seven dogs. 

Operator: Oh, my God. 

Operator: Okay. um, you’ve called the police, I guess, right?

Caller: They don’t do anything. 

Operator: Okay. 

Operator: This may be… 

Operator: Okay. Are the… Let me ask you this question. I know it’s going to sound insane. Um, but, in terms of the dogs running around, are they all vicious? Are they… are they, ah… is… are they not treated properly? 

Operator: Okay, all right. 

Caller: Like I say, the house smells like urine. You can smell it from outside. 

Operator: Okay. 

Caller: So, there’s something bad going on. And if dogs are… are allowed to just run around, how much care are they getting? 

Operator: I understand. 

Caller: [0:07:39.8] [unintelligible] …obviously dirty and it’s really very sad. 

Operator: Yeah. 

Caller: It’s very, very sad for the dogs. It’s not the dogs’ fault. 

Operator: All right. Um, just trying to see what other things could get. Okay. All right. I put the application in for animal care to go out. Ah, the number is A24-152159. 

Caller: Hold on, let me write it down again. 824… 

Operator: No, no, no. A like in apple. I’m sorry. A like in apple, 24. 

Caller: A24, mm-hmm [assenting, agreeing]. Operator: -152… 

Caller: Mm-hmm [assenting, agreeing]. 

Operator: 159. 

Caller: Mm-hmm [assenting, agreeing]. 

Operator: Um. And that is gone into the animal database. Now, you were going to give me… 

Caller: I don’t… I don’t think I have… Yeah, I don’t think I have… You didn’t put down his name. 

Operator: No, I did not. I said that the renter lives at this location with seven dogs. 

Caller: Don’t you want his name? 

Operator: All right. Hold on, ma’am, please. Okay? One second. Um, what’s his name? 

Caller: Scott Smith. 

Operator: Ah, owner. Okay, there you go. All right. I added his name, and the animal offices will go ahead and, Um, 

get out there and take care of the problem, 

hopefully, for the dogs’ sake. 

Caller: Okay. 

Operator: Okay? 

Caller: Will they actually… Will they actually go out and go to the home? 

Operator: Well, they should. It’s an… it’s a… an animal case number now that I entered. 

Caller: Okay. 

Operator: So, you know, there’s no reason why they… they wouldn’t. Ah, but, yeah. Okay? 

Caller: Okay. And who is going to follow up regarding the citation for rabies vaccines?

Operator: The animal offices are going to do all of that, ma’am. They… they have a whole list of what they have to 


Caller: Okay. All right. 

Operator: Okay? 

Caller: Very good. Thank you. 

Operator: Um, sure, you’re welcome. Believe me, I understand. Okay? 

Caller: Yeah, it’s very upsetting. Thank you. Operator: I understand. You’re welcome. 

Caller: Okay. Bye. 

Operator: Bye. 

End of interaction [0:10:35.3]