Happy Mother’s Day – A True Warrior

Mom and Sammy in Times Square, NYC

Happy Mother’s Day – A True Warrior

– You were my Mother and Father since 1984.
– You made sure I finished high school in 1987
– You made sure I finished college at NYU in 1993.
– You helped get me my first job on Wall Street.

– I moved in with you at 40 years old when you had open heart surgery on April 21st, 2008. I then supported you and 3 other family household’s through the banking crisis.

– You destroyed 3 different lawyers that tried to take Sammy from me from 2012 through 2015. That was a 4 year battle.

– In 2014 you were targeted in one of the worst landlord/tenant cases in NY State history by the coop board of 11 Wooleys Lane in Great Neck, NY. They targeted you because you lived with your granddaughter who looks black and has an Afro. I annihilated the 11 Wooleys Lane Coop board and their lawyers while I was living in Puerto Rico. We kicked their asses and won the case.

– You came to Puerto Rico in May of 2018 for 6 weeks when I was the target of a scandal involving an animal rescue incident. We had no water or power the whole time.

– You came back to Puerto Rico in August of 2018 when Patrick was killed for another 6 weeks. We had no kitchen or A/C the whole time.

– You took in Sammy, Henry and BabyLady in Florida while I was preparing to leave Puerto Rico after 4.5 years.

– You made sure that I had a home within 6 months so I could bring Lucky, Rocky and Polar Bear to Florida and restore my family.

– I just took down Philip Capolongo of Fortius Holdings, the man who defrauded you out of $20K right in the middle of coronavirus. I wiped his business out in one email.

– My mother and I have Not had a happy life together. But, we’ve gone to war for each other when it counted.

– We have one more war to fight together. That war is JusticeForPatrick. That story is upon us and will be added to this list next Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom. You’re truly are a warrior in every sense of the word. And as your son, I am a gladiator like never seen before.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Sammy and Patrick’s Father, and General to the greatest WolfPack in the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.