Birds of A Feather Flock Together

That’s what brought Dr. Tricia Working and myself together at a pet conference in South Carolina back in 2017. When I saw the lady at the conference with a Pomeranian, I walked right over and introduced myself. Within 10 minutes, it was like we had know each other forever. In the picture with us is Tricia’s late great Pomeranian, Prince. He passed about 4 years ago. It will be 3 years since Sammy passed on January 30th.

Tricia also lives with a pack of animals like me. Mostly cats. A lot of cats. But dogs too. The inside of her house is designed like a jungle. Leopard prints and all. Since I have been on my animal welfare and rescue journey, Dr. Trisha Working is one of the few people that I have met where her personal life is ALL about her animals. In other words, her animals are not part of her life, they ARE her life. Just like with me and my wolfpack. I would say the same of my great friend Anitza Burgos back in Puerto Rico. She lives with a large pack of wolves too.

Dr. Tricia Working is the Author of a book called “The Fur Agreements.” It is a book about, for, and because of the animals in our world and the missions they come to us with – the agreements they make with the Divine to be our Wayshowers on the path to our emerging true humanity.

I’m a city boy as most of you know. I don’t really travel at all. But, for some reason in May of 2017, this city boy spent a weekend in the South and met one of the best people he’s ever known. My life is more complete and better because I know Tricia Working.

That’s my story for tonight.