Nine years ago today, Sammy and I were taking a stroll in Central Park, NYC when we stumbled upon an active wedding taking place. This is a true story. The bride halted her own wedding to come take a picture with Sammy.
In today’s digital world people take these kinds of photo opps all the time. But, this was before the word “Selfie” even existed. Nine years ago people weren’t really using smartphones to take pictures. Yes, you could take pictures with your smartphone, but most people still used cameras. The point being is this was a very big deal for the bride and a very big deal for the sign of the times we were in.
Sammy was ahead of his time. He was arguably the greatest dog in the history of time and space. Plus, as you can see, he got all the girls. Would I have married a woman with a smile like that? – Affirmative. In a NY minute.