And yet again, more mass shootings (plural).
Don’t fear Al Queda. Fear your fellow man. More specially, a young white male in their late teens or 20’s. The NRA is the largest terrorist organization in the United States. And they hide behind these words: “The Right to Bear Arms” – More on that below:
1. On Saturday August 3rd, 21 year old, Patrick Crusius from a Dallas Suburb walked into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas and open fired on customers leaving 20 dead and 26 wounded. The Gunman was taken into custody.
2. Within 24 hours on August 4th, 24-year-old Connor Betts, of Bellbrook, Ohio open fired on a crowd of people in downtown Dayton’s Oregon District. He killed 9 people and wounded 27 others. The gunman was killed.
3. On July 28th, just 6 days ago, 19 year old Santino William Legen open fired with an AK-47 at a food festival on Sunday night, in Gilroy, California leaving 3 dead and 17 wounded. Lagen killed a 6 year old boy, 13 year old girl and a young man in his 20’s. The Gunman was killed.
America has a severe gun addiction. And like with any addiction, if not treated will destroy lives and continue to destroy lives. – “The Right to Bear Arms” has become one giant euphemism for the gun industry to sell as many guns as humanly possible. A regular 6 chamber pistol that shoots 6 bullets will protect you just fine.
– The U.S makes up 4 percent of the world’s population but owns over 40 percent of the world’s guns.
– There are 850 million civilian guns in the world spread across 230 countries.
– The U.S. own 400 million of those civilian guns. There are only 320 million people in the the U.S.
Is anyone surprised that the U.S. has more mass shootings than any other country on earth? – Well, you shouldn’t be. It’s basic math. We have way too many guns in circulation.
Why are AK-47’s, Assault Rifles, AR-15’s or any Semi-Automatics being manufactured in the first place? – Great question. Easy answer, “Profits”. This is not a money bashing article. I’m from Wall Street. I like money. But at the expense of people and animals getting killed left and right? – No, I don’t like money that much. If people believe that it’s morally OK to own these types of guns just because they’re legal, they’re a Huge part of the problem. Their values are inverted.
The gun industry doesn’t sell protection as they profess. They sell fear, anxiety and death. Life Insurance companies sell protection. I believe the term, “The Right to Bears Arms” has become one giant euphemism to guise the gun industry’s real intentions, “Sell as many guns as possible”
The NRA is wrong when they say, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Let’s flip that right side up, “Guns and people, kill animals and people.”
America Values are inverted. It’s supposed to be “Lives before Profits.” – Not the other way around.
Now, the gun problem is a two-sided coin. The gun industry is the main culprit. But, the buyers of these killing machines are a close second. You can read and hear (audio) about the psychology behind America’s obsession with guns and killing.
Solution to substantially eradicate mass shootings and gun violence right now.
We need to ban all guns listed above. No ordinary citizens (non law-enforcement) should be permitted to own any firearms other than a regular pistol and/or a two barrel shotgun (can only shoot two bullets, one at a time, and then has to reloaded). Gun owners should be required by law to buy gun insurance. Crazy? – No, it isn’t. We do it with cars. We most certainly should force insurance on gun owners.
Yes, the above would destroy the Gun Industry. That’s a good thing. We don’t need a booming Gun Industry.
I’ll close with comments for my LinkedIn community. I don’t want you swimming in my waters if you support the NRA in any way, shape, or form. If you do, please remove our connection. If anyone in my LinkedIn community thinks that ordinary citizens (non law-enforcement) should be allowed to have AK-47’s, Assault Rifles, AR-15’s or any Semi Automatic weapons, I want you to remove our connection.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.