And yet again, another mass shooting:
19 year old Santino William Legen open fired with an AK-47 at a food festival on Sunday night, July 28th 2019 in Gilroy, California leaving 3 dead and 17 wounded. Lagen killed a 6 year old boy, 13 year old girl and a young man in his 20’s. He was able to fire 4 bullets per second said the bystanders. If the Police hadn’t killed him as quickly as they did, he would’ve killed dozens of people.
Lagen purchased the AK-47 legally in Nevada on July 9th. I hope the Gun Salesman had a blast in the city of sin with his commission on that gun sale. It’s amazing, you can’t buy a beer at 19 years old, but an assault rifle, how many you want? – “SOLD TO YOU”
The definition of “Insanity” is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The definition of “Stupidity” is knowing it’s insane, and doing it anyway.
No ordinary citizen should be permitted to own any guns other than a regular pistol and/or a two barrel shotgun. That will substantially reduce mass shootings and gun deaths right now.
Gun Control will help. It won’t solve everything, but it will help. New Zealand experienced one mass shooting back in March of 2019, and within 3 days completely revamped their gun laws and policies.
We’re so busy arguing over keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill (which is a given), that we’re defying basic arithmetic.The U.S. owns 35 percent of the world’s gun population. There are 197 countries in the world. Think about that. There are way too many Guns in circulation
This has nothing to do with rights anymore. It’s just basic math. The U.S. has more mass shooting than any country on earth.It’s supposed to be “Lives before Profits”, not the other way around. We don’t need a booming gun industry. We need a change in values.
The gun industry doesn’t sell protection as they profess. They sell fear, anxiety and death. Life Insurance companies sell protection.I believe the term, “The Right to Bears Arms” has become one giant euphemism to guise the gun industry’s real intentions, “Sell as many guns as possible”
The NRA is wrong when they say, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Let’s flip that right side up, “Guns and people, kill animals and people.” – The obsession with guns and killing is out of control.
The US needs to put Lives before Profits. Until we do that, we’re going to have more mass shootings. Whose kids are Next?
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.