NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO OWN ASSAULT RIFLES or any other mass shooting killing machines. The Second Amendment Must be Repealed and Replaced. It is Dumb, Dangerous and Deadly. The Right to Bear Arms has become one giant euphemism for selling as many guns as humanly possible. We have a gun problem, folks. The US has an addiction to guns the world has never seen before. And like with any addiction, until the problem is acknowledged and addressed, the bloodshed will continue. The US is 4% of the world’s population and owns 40% of the world’s guns. Only addiction can produce math like that.
Sandy Hook Part 2:
You can’t buy a beer at 18 years old in the United States. But, you can buy 2 assault rifles for your 18th birthday and cast yourself as the star of the documentary “Sandy Hook Part 2.” That’s exactly what 18 year old Salvador Rolando Ramos did yesterday when he shot and killed 19 children and 2 teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. This is on heels of the Buffalo Massacre at Tops Supermarket just 10 days ago. This is No surprise. This will happen again and is coming to a theatre near all of us.
Background checks would Not have stopped most of these mass shootings. Many of the shooters have clean backgrounds. Of course we should have tighter background checks. That’s a given. But, don’t lose focus, it’s about the GUNS. – Even if there are no bad guys, no mentally ill people and no terrorists, there are way too many ns in circulation.
America’s values are inverted. It’s supposed to be “Lives Before Profits.” Not the other way around.
The Solution:
1. BAN ALL Military Style Weapons. No ordinary citizen should be allowed to own any firearms other than a regular pistol that shoots 6 bullets, one at a time.
2. The US needs to initiate a buy back program for all mass shooting killing machines like Australia and New Zealand did. We have to get those guns out of circulation.
3. Require all gun owners to carry gun insurance.
4.Allow the gun manufacturers to be sued.
The above suggestions will substantially eradicate the mass shooting epidemic the United States. Until then, I offer you this advice: The best thing anyone can do for the world right now is to help the life that’s already here (both people and animals), versus creating new human life.
If you want to understand the real psychology behind the Second Amendment, I encourage you to listen to “The Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal.” I originally wrote and recorded it in 2013.
Sincerely, Scott Smith
Thank you!
You’re welcome Terena. Appreicate that.