It’s easy to forget the mothers of our beloved pets because most of us never met them. But without them, we wouldn’t have been gifted all these angels that came into our lives, made our lives and gave our lives purpose.
In the picture here is Henry on the left, Sammy in the middle and Patrick on the right. Today, only Henry is alive. I would imagine that all 3 of their mother’s have passed by now. But, if I could speak to them, I would let them know how sorry I am about what happened to Patrick and how Sammy passed. It’s truly a story of tragedy. Both of their deaths, especially Patrick’s were life wipe-outs. Of course, I would also tell them Henry is still doing great. At 12 years old he can still jump up on the couch.
I got Sammy, Henry and Patrick in pet stores. Today, I wouldn’t purchase a pet. I believe in “Adopt don’t Shop” 100 percent. While, I am sure there are some responsible breeders, it’s not right to profit off of creating life when we don’t really know where the animals will end up, and the fact that millions of sheltered animals are holding their breath waiting to be adopted for free.
Now, I recognize that pets being sold in pet stores are Not aware of the vicious cycle they’re inside of. From their perspective, they’re in a cage and want to be adopted also. This is why puppy mills and breeders need to stop the cycle.
Today, 5 of my 6 dogs are strays that I pulled right off the street in Puerto Rico. I even did a video with Lucky and Sammy highlighting that a stray animal or shelter animal can make as good a pet as any dog. I think maybe even better.
The Wolfpack and I march on in the name of Sammy, Patrick, DriveWithCompassion and all of the Wolfpack’s mothers and the mothers in our communities from around the world.
Forest Gump’s mother was right, “Death is part of life.” And Forrest was right when he said “I sure wish it wasn’t.