The Concentration Camps of the Coronavirus

Factory Farming – A 21st Century Holocaust for Animals. Pic credit: Sentient Media

As if the meat industry wasn’t cruel enough, the meat producers have ramped up their death tactics amidst the coronaviurs.

The world’s meat supply and demand chain has been through off kilter like never before as a result of the pandemic. f the As such, farms and slaughterhouses are way overcrowded. So overcrowded that the meat producers are inflicting unspeakable atrocities on these innocent animals.

Here’s a couple of their tactics:
1. Gassing them to death
2. Digging holes and burying them alive to suffocate.
3. Burning them alive if they are sick and contagious
4. Shooting them
and Etc.

Barry Smith, my father used to tell me stories about the Holocaust and Auschwitz when I was growing up. I’d like all of you to know that what I wrote above about factory farming and the coronavirus, is not just reminiscent of Auschwitz, IT IS Auschwitz.

Don’t ever forget some of the culprits/companies below:

Tyson Foods
Allen Harim Foods
JBS Slaughterhouse
Daybreak Foods

All of these animals’ lives meant something to many of us. But now they’ll just be written off as a loss against taxable income the way anyone of us would write off a loss.

Going vegan or vegetarian is imperative. But, equally important is for companies to stop putting profits before lives. Just because there is a demand for something, doesn’t mean it should be supplied. It’s supposed to be “Lives before Profits.”

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Sammy and Patrick’s Father and General to greatest Wolfpack in the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.