$10,000 is a nice gesture and we thank the President for stepping up. But, it’s not even close to enough. Nobody should have to start their lives shackled with debt. We need to give these people their lives and futures back. All student debt needs to be wiped out.
People should Not get punished because they could not afford college. Everybody deserves an education unencumbered by debt or having to trade in their futures.
The fact that some people had to work 2 jobs putting themselves through school, or spent decades paying off their student loans does NOT mean the current and future generations have to take the same path. We can’t continue doing the wrong thing because of those that were wronged before us. Student debt was WRONG from the very beginning.
Guess what happens when young professionals are not drowning in student debt? They can buy cars, rent apartments and have more disposable income to buy things. Guess what that’s good for? The ECONOMY. Not to mention they’ll have happier lives. They deserve that. Don’t they?
It’s time to right this wrong. It’s time to wipe student debt out.