It’s also one of the greatest freedoms the world has ever known. Overturning Roe Vs. Wade is a war on women and humanity as a whole. Life is very hard even as a wanted child. As an unwanted child, it’s almost impossible. The world is such a tough place now that one could even argue that abortion is a mercy kill. That’s not as crazy as it sounds. People euthanize their pets all the time when they are terminally sick and in excruciating pain.
It’s amazing how the world continues to move towards the year 2100, but the United States is hellbent on catching a train back to the 1800s. It’s unnatural and immoral.
If someone doesn’t want an abortion, don’t have one. If people are so concerned about an unborn child, channel that energy into adopting kids out of orphanages and the foster care system. Or how about rescuing an animal at your local shelter? – All this pro-life talk and yet once a baby is born, pro-lifers are nowhere to be found. Where are the pro-lifers with the mass shooting epidemic in the United States? Where are the pro-lifers with respect to poverty, frivolous wars and mass incarceration?
Well, Scott, what about the women who want their own babies but are Not physically able to? – I understand that must be upsetting. They can adopt a child and/or rescue an animal. Their lives will just have to be ones of service. That’s better for humanity anyway.
Yes, people should practice safe sex. But, that’s not a perfect system. People are always going to get hot for each other every now and then and accidents will happen. That’s not a reason to bring a child into the world.
THE BEST THING anyone can do for the world right now is to help the life that’s already here (both people and animals), versus creating new human life.