Only in America in the middle of a mass shooting epidemic would a judge overturn a ban on assault weapons from 1989 in California. Last Friday, U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez of the Southern District of California said that sections of the state ban violate the 2nd Amendment. Benitez also said the law itself was unconstitutional. Furthermore, he referred to the ban as a failed experiment. Lastly, but not leastly, he compared the AR-15 rifle with that of a Swiss Army Knife.
Let’s break this down:
Firstly, regarding the “failed experiment” comment. Let’s say that’s true (which it isn’t), but let’s say it is true. What purpose or benefit is there to reverse a ban on assault weapons? Why do any civilians need assault weapons? These weapons shouldn’t even exist inside of civilian populations. This smells like a money reversal to me. Nobody’s disputing the importance of money. But, when it comes to gun money, millons of people, including myself are arguing for Lives before Profits.
Secondly, Benitez says the ban was unconstitutional in the first place. So, in other words, because it’s “so called” unconstitutional, it needs to be reversed. Nevermind the endless mass shooting massacres killing childrean, students and adults. Just pound the drum on the constitutionality argument and distract people away from the bullets flying everywhere.
I remind people that the Constitution is Not the holy grail. It was drafted by the species of man. Men who owned slaves mind you. Men who said only white men 21 years of age and older, who own land, can vote. Let’s come back to reality in the year 2021 that we’re actually in. Common Sense supersedes the Constitution in terms of everyday life and practicality. Let’s not hide behind the Constitution while people are getting shot up all over the place.
Thirdly, the Judge said the ban violates the 2nd Amendment. Now remember, the 2nd Amendment was created in 1791. It was never intended to be a sick perversion and orgy with guns and killing. It was never intended for assault rifles, semi automatics, or other military style weapons.
Fourthly, Benitez said “Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment,” – I am 52 years old and I think that’s the dumbest and most reckless comment I’ve ever heard in my life. Shame on you Judge Benitez. You’re an embarrassemtn to the bench.
Thank you for hearing me out.