DriveWithCompassion was created in January of 2018 for stray animals living on the streets of Puerto Rico and around the world. The things that I saw while living in Puerto Rico with respect to strays animals, can never be unseen.
The purpose of DriveWithCompassion is for people to incorporate animal welfare into their daily lives. When we get into our cars, it’s not just about the safety of other drivers and ourselves. We need to consider all living creatures living in the street and the wild. It’s not acceptable to just run over an animal like you ran over some garbage and leave them for dead. We must Drive With Compassion. There’s no humanity without animal welfare.
While DriveWithCompassion is mostly geared towards animal welfare and rescue, we also cover civil rights, gun violence, finance, major current event topics and etc. All topics are written from a perspective of humanity for both animals and people.
The DriveWithCompassion video above is one of the most powerful animal advocacy videos in decades. The last time the world heard such a powerful message was in 1980 when mothers formed the group “Mothers Against Drunk Driving.” Also known as MADD.
Henry is almost 14 years old now and has slowed down quite a bit. But, he still likes to see things. So, every night I take him for little rides around the block in his shopping cart. He just loves it.
The truth is Henry was always a homebody kind of dog. He never really wanted to be walked on a leash. Between that and him slowing down a little, rides around the block made a lot of sense.
The 4 year anniversary of Patrick’s Death – August 19th, 2018
Patrick was killed by a car 4 years ago on a Sunday afternoon in Puerto Rico. We had just finished shooting one of my updates from Puerto Rico videos.
Patrick sat patiently with me through the whole video. Most dogs would’ve gotten restless and simply run off to another room. But, Patrick always wanted to be with me. So, I put him in the video just so we can stay together.
When I called the videographer to tell him that Patrick had been killed, he almost thought I was joking or something. It had not even been 30 minutes since he left my house.
Time did not heal any of my wounds 4 years later. Patrick was killed in the most violent way possible. He was run over by the front and back tire of the car that hit him. All of this happened right in front of me. I literally died with him that day.
I know this is a depressing post. But, it is my truth. There’s No silver lining here. Sometimes your life gets destroyed and it’s just tough _hit. But even worse than that, Patrick lost his life in a blink of an eye on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
But, I am a very tough person and flipped the bird right back in life’s face. – In Patrick’s honor, I pulled three more stray dogs out the street and kept them all: BabyLady, Mookie and Polar Bear.
Here is my tribute video for Patrick and the introduction of rescue dog BabyLady. – We march on now in the name of Sammy and Patrick. Amen.
As we approach the 4 year anniversary of Patrick’s death on August 19th, 2018, I am reminded that it was BabyLady who was sent to heal me back then.
It was the cry heard around the world when Patrick was killed. Animal activist and friend, Anitza Burgosarchilla heard that cry and offered me BabyLady about 2 weeks after the tragedy. I immediately took her in and the healing process began for she and myself.
Here we are 4 year later in Florida and look at her now. BabyLady is thriving and soaking up the Vitamin D in the Florida sun. Nobody can blouse like BabyLady. She also happens to be the only female of the pack and gets treated like a Queen.
The odds on all of us ending up together under one roof in Florida, were zero. But, it happened anyway. – Why? – Because this is my family. I can’t live without them.
Not bad for a little girl from the streets of Morovis, Puerto Rico. BabyLady that be.
Well, Grasshopper has officially taken over the household. The entire pack kowtows to him at this point. The Hopper is such a little boss. He has to be involved in all pack decisions. Even Lucky (bigger dog pictured), who is a “to himself” kind of dog, loves to be in the company of Grasshopper.
Not bad for a little Hopper who was living off the train tracks in North Miami Beach just a over a year ago. On June 23rd, 2021, I pulled him right out of the street by the tracks and into my car. He was just a boy who needed a break. So, I gave him one. Look how far he has come.
They say America is the Land of the free. Home of the brave. But, in reality, America is the land of the guns and home of the dangerous. You can’t go school anymore. You can’t go to a supermarket. You can’t go to church. You can’t go to a mall. You can’t go to nightclubs. You can’t go to college. You can’t go to concerts. And now you can’t even go to parades anymore. Maybe the Metaverse will save the world.
21 year old Robert Crimo lll opened fire on a crowd at a 4th Of July parade in Highland Park, IL. – Crimo killed 7 people and injured over 30 others. Two of the 7 killed were husband Kevin McCarthy, 37 yrs old and Irina McCarthy, 35. They had a 2 year old son. He’s now an orphan. Guns take lives and destroy lives.
Even if there were no bad guys, no mentally ill people and no terrorists, there are way too many guns in circulation.
It’s time that we protect “Actual People” over the Second Amendment. I am Not mystified by the founding fathers. I don’t care what they said or meant 230 years ago. I will choose humanity over the 2nd Amendment everyday of the week. Humanity is more important than rights.
The Solution –
We need to look at the gun industry the way we do with Motor Vehicles and cars. You want to be able to use a gun, get a license. You want to own a gun, get it registered. You want to operate a gun, then get some required gun insurance. Just like we do with cars. The age limit also needs to be raised to 25 years old. 18 to 21 years of age is too young. They’re still in college for Christ sake.
Let’s look at Japan for example. They have a population of 127 million people and yet they rarely see over 10 gun deaths in a year. The US has twice the population of Japan. So technically, the US should only have 20 gun deaths a year. But no. The US has over 30,000 gun deaths a year. Below is how Japan does it:
“If people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles — no handguns — and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.”
Furthering The Solution:
1. NO ordinary citizen should be allowed to own any firearms other than a regular handgun that shoots 6 bullets, one at a time. No clips. No magazines. 2. We need to ban all assault weapons and any other weapons that can facilitate high capacity magazines. 3. The US needs to initiate a buy back program for weapons that have been banned, just like Australia and New Zealand did. We have to get those guns out of circulation. 4. Require all gun owners to carry gun insurance. 5. Allow the gun manufacturers to be sued.
Does this sound extreme? – It’s not. It’s common sense. You know what’s extreme? – Non stop mass shootings.
Sammy was a soldier for Humanity. He represented all that’s good in the world for animals and people. Sammy was a bright light for 15 years. He was so lit up on the inside that he shined on his exterior.
We want to thank retired Armyman, Emmanuel Enrique Dextre, for having the United States Army made this uniform for Sammy here in the picture. It’s Not a costume. This was made for Sammy by the United States Army.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Sammy and Patrick’s human dad, and General to the greatest Wolfpack in the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.
Today is my mother’s 79th birthday. Sadly, we sent her back to the hospital last night for the 4th time since June 14. She tested positive again for Covid last night.
I’ve never seen my mother this weak or disoriented before. Covid has not only taken all of her strength, but it’s also taken her mind. She has not moved off the couch or chair in weeks. She’s not eating or drinking either. So, my sister and I keep sending her back to the hospital.
For those of you that had mild cases, you’re very fortunate. My family and I did not have that experience. I was burning up with fever, hallucinating and seeing blurry on June 13th when I tested positive. You all know me. Would I ever call 911 on myself? That’s how sick I was. – Now, my mother has lost her life as she knows it. Until otherwise noted. And all of this happened inside of 3 weeks.
We’re going to send her to rehab next week to see if she can get her strength back. If she can’t, then she’ll effectively become a vegetable and have zero quality of life. That’s the real score. There’s no spinning this one positively at the moment.
Mick Jagger was right in 1966 when he sang “What a drag it is getting old.” He was only 23 years old when the Rolling Stones wrote that song.
I called 911 on myself last night at 9pm. I was burning up with fever. My eyeballs were on fire. I was having respiratory issues as well. Little pinches and pressure around my chest. I was nauseous, throwing up and coughing and sneezing my head off.
After 2.5 years, coronavirus finally caught me. I started feeling symptoms on Monday. Not too bad though. Tuesday, the same kind of symptoms. By Thursday evening at 8 pm, I was in a full-on tailspin. It took me to the point where if I tried to get by one more night, the fever could’ve fully encapsulated my body and burned me to death while I was sleeping. And even then, I resisted.
But, by 9 pm, I started seeing blurry and was becoming delirious. That’s when I threw in the towel and called 911. – I thought it was a stroke, a mild heart attack or Covid. I was leaning more towards Covid in my head to be honest. The first thing I said when I arrived at the hospital was that I don’t want to be on a respirator machine. Fortunately, they said I don’t need one.
This all started last Sunday when my sister went to Walmart to stock on some things for the week. By evening time she was vomiting, coughing and had a fever. She’s better than last week, but still coughing a lot.
That brings me to my mother. She had not moved off the couch since Wednesday morning. I noticed that she had the shakes and was coughing as well. So, I just sent her to the hospital a few hours ago. If she does have Covid, we caught it quickly. There’s no way she could’ve handled the fever that I experienced last night.
In conclusion, we are in Covid hell over here. That’s our story for tonight.
NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO OWN ASSAULT RIFLES or any other mass shooting killing machines. The Second Amendment Must be Repealed and Replaced. It is Dumb, Dangerous and Deadly. The Right to Bear Arms has become one giant euphemism for selling as many guns as humanly possible. We have a gun problem, folks. The US has an addiction to guns the world has never seen before. And like with any addiction, until the problem is acknowledged and addressed, the bloodshed will continue. The US is 4% of the world’s population and owns 40% of the world’s guns. Only addiction can produce math like that.
Sandy Hook Part 2:
You can’t buy a beer at 18 years old in the United States. But, you can buy 2 assault rifles for your 18th birthday and cast yourself as the star of the documentary “Sandy Hook Part 2.” That’s exactly what 18 year old Salvador Rolando Ramos did yesterday when he shot and killed 19 children and 2 teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. This is on heels of the Buffalo Massacre at Tops Supermarket just 10 days ago. This is No surprise. This will happen again and is coming to a theatre near all of us.
Background checks would Not have stopped most of these mass shootings. Many of the shooters have clean backgrounds. Of course we should have tighter background checks. That’s a given. But, don’t lose focus, it’s about the GUNS. – Even if there are no bad guys, no mentally ill people and no terrorists, there are way too many ns in circulation.
America’s values are inverted. It’s supposed to be “Lives Before Profits.” Not the other way around.
The Solution:
1. BAN ALL Military Style Weapons. No ordinary citizen should be allowed to own any firearms other than a regular pistol that shoots 6 bullets, one at a time. 2. The US needs to initiate a buy back program for all mass shooting killing machines like Australia and New Zealand did. We have to get those guns out of circulation. 3. Require all gun owners to carry gun insurance. 4.Allow the gun manufacturers to be sued.
The above suggestions will substantially eradicate the mass shooting epidemic the United States. Until then, I offer you this advice: The best thing anyone can do for the world right now is to help the life that’s already here (both people and animals), versus creating new human life.
You would have to meet him to understand the magic of Polar Bear
Sometimes you just walk out of your house and your life changes forever. That’s what happened when I met Polar Bear on the street in Puerto Rico on December, 28th 2018. That was also the last night he spent in the street.
He was my last rescue in Puerto Rico on December 28th, 2018. Polar Bear fought so hard to be the center of the pack. And the center of the pack he is. He claimed the top position with courage, charm and compassion. I love all my dogs like a crazy man. But, with respect to Polar Bear, I’m just a little crazier. I can’t see straight when I’m around him.
Polar Bear is a combination of a real life teddy bear, Mr. Snuffleupagus and a real life polar bear. How cool is that?
Remember, please Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals in the street.
It’s my job to make sure Polar Bear is happy. I take my job very seriously.
As Spring is in full swing now, Polar Bear rejoices in the rising sun. The Bear has claimed the top position in the pack. He acquired top rank with courgage, charm and compassion. The three magical “C’s” we call them.
Polar Bear and I came a long way from the streets of Puerto Rico on December 28th, 2018, to frolicking in the sun together in Miami in February of 2022. Patrick sacrafised his life so BabyLady, Mookie, Polar Bear and Grasshopper could be together.
Sometimes I ask myself that If I could have Patrick back, would I be willing to give up BabyLady, Mookie, Polar Bear and Grasshopper? – I always draw a blank looking for an answer. I don’t think I could ever answer that question.
In celebration of BabyLady, Mookie, Polar Bear and Grasshopper, we march on in the name of Sammy and Patrick. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unoticed. Amen.