The Story of Polar Bear

About three weeks ago when I was tracking a certain stray on the main Blvd in Toa Baja, I noticed a homeless man sleeping in the street cuddling with 4 dogs that were sleeping on him, and around him.

I had see this man before, but only with two dogs. Despite the sadness of this situation, it was a very endearing and striking sight to see.

As I continued walking, one of them followed me and caught up about 30 feet later. He just kept walking with me. So, I took him home.

Polar Bear is a very nice dog. He has no idea what’s he doing yet, but he’s sweet and open to learning.

It never feels like the right time to rescue an animal, but it’s always the right time. Nobody needs it more. Every time we rescue an animal, we immediately make the world a better place.

Please Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals in the street.

Sincerely, Scott Smith Patrick’s Father.

Patrick and Scott – Together Forever

Patrick and Scott, Together Forever

I miss you Popo. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Thank you for taking the pain away from me.

When it’s my time, I’ll see you at the Rainbow Bridge so we can run and play again.

Happy weekend friends. The Wolfpack and I are doing OK.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

The current Wolfpack –

Sammy and Henry in the car

The current Wolfpack in order of when I took them in:

1. Sammy
2. Henry
3. Patrick (Tragically killed) 
4. Rocky 
5. Lucky 
6. BabyLady
7. Little Man (you have not met yet) 
8. Romeo 
9. Polar Bear.

We’re not a traditional family, but we’re a family nonetheless.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father, and leader of the greatest Wolfpack of all time.

Lucky – My Guardian Angel

Animal are angels living amongst us
Animal are angels living amongst us

Lucky is my guardian angel. I’m very grateful for his love, loyalty and compassion.

Lucky pulled me out of my despair for Patrick. He knew what that did to me and bridged me back to life.

I rescued Lucky off the street in Puerto Rico on May 10th, 2017.

Please Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals in the street.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

Polar Bear – New Rescue

Polar Bear - New Rescue

Good evening friends.

Say hello to one of my new rescues, Polar Bear. I pulled him off the street in Levittown, Puerto Rico about a week ago. Not only does he look like a Polar Bear, he has huge paws just like a polar bear.

He’s one of the 4 strays that I’ve rescued since Patrick’s passing. I rescued them all in honor of my little Popo.

Polar Bear is about a year old. He’s big, strong, sweet and clumsy. He’s so grateful to have a home.

Tending to the needs of my dogs gives my life purpose.

We’re not a traditional family, but we’re a family nonetheless.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s father and family man.

Please Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals in the street.

One Year Anniversary of Lucky’s Rescue

One Year Anniversary of Lucky's Rescue

Happy 1 year Anniversary to my beautiful Lucky. One year ago today, I found him living on the street in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico.

I love all of my dogs like crazy potatoes. You all know that. But, Lucky is the one I’m connected to most. I’m not saying I love him more than my other dogs. No. I’m saying I feel connected to him the most.

I feel him in my blood and bones if that makes any sense.

Lucky is the perfect depiction of “Dogs are man’s best friend”

I love you Lucky. You’re my SoulMutt.

Happy Thursday friends.

My Little Big Guy, Rocky

Who Rescued Who?

It was an ordinary Thursday on November 19th, 2015 when I found you. I knew you didn’t have much time. That was the last day you ever lived on the street. Why? – Because love had to win.

The Story of My Little Big Guy, Rocky:

On November 19th, 2015, I was walking three of my dogs at a close by park in Levittown, Puerto Rico. The next thing I know we were approached by this big stray dog.

Originally, I was quite concerned. As my 3 dogs and I continued to walk, he would follow us. When we stopped, he stopped. Eventually, he walked right up to us and sat down.

I realized this dog was not a threat at all. He was letting me know that he’s lost and didn’t know how to take care of himself. He was sick, frail and tick infested.

So, I took my three dogs back to the house and came back to the park to sit with him. That was 864 days ago today. He never lived on the street again.

Rocky is my best friend. I call him “My Little Big Guy.” — He’s little in the sense that he was a year old when we first met at the park. He’s big in the sense that physically he’s a big dog. He’s a lot big in the sense that when we play around, I usually have black and blue marks all over my body, lol.

I want to thank My Little Big Guy for rescuing us.

So, you ask if stray animals can make great pets? — You bet they can.

Have a great night friends.

Levi – The Survivor

Levi - The Survivor

Levi is so grateful even in the face of his struggle. It blows me away. Please remember to Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals out there like Levi here.

Together, with small tweaks in our behavior, we can make a substantial difference in animals’ lives.

This picture reminds of a quote from the movie, Cast Away – “I know what I have to do now. I have to keep breathing. And tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide will bring in”