My Father was Right about Puerto Rico

The Wolverine and I at La Concha Hotel in Puerto Rico

My Father was Right about Puerto Rico –

In 1978 my family and I were staying at the Caribe Hilton in Puerto Rico. We used to go every year. I used to ask my father why always Puerto Rico with a whole big world out there? He answered me with total conviction: “Because Puerto Rico is the most beautiful place on Earth”.

This picture was taken 41 years later. My father was right.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick Father’s and General to the greatest Wolfpack is the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.


Lucky, The Wolverine

From the streets of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, a Gladiator emerged. My Wolverine. My Braveheart. The Greatest dog in the world, Lucky.

Oh yes, I’ll always be lucky in Love with Lucky.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

Brother To Brother

Lucky and Rocky – Two Satos of Puerto Rico that made it off the streets.

I’ve been where you’ve been. I’ve seen what you’ve seen. I’m very grateful we’re safe and together. 

I hope our fellow dogs and cats are fortunate enough to find the life that we have found. 

Rocky and Lucky, Satos of Puerto Rico.

Please Drive With Compassion. There are Stray Animals in the Street.

Sincerely, Scott Smith Patrick’s Father.

The Rescue of Rocky

Rocky was so grateful when I Rescued him. Nothing short of a miracle.

It was an ordinary Thursday on November 19th, 2015 when I found you in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico.

You were sick, frail and tick infested. You were starving to death.

At first when you approached me and my little dogs, I was quite concerned. But, then when you just sat down right beside us, I heard what you were saying to me. You were letting me that you couldn’t make it alone anymore.

You never slept in the street again. This picture was only a month later when you’d become as strong as a horse. The gratitude you showed me was worth all the efforts I made to bring you back to life.

I love you Rocky. You are almost home, you just don’t know it yet.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father and General to the greatest Wolfpack in the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.

The Yulin Festival of China – Hell On Earth

Caged dogs waiting to be tortured to death at the Yulin Festival in Yulin, China. Photo Credit: (Feature China / Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

Sadly it’s that time of year again as of Friday, June 21st. For the suffering animals, I have to share what this festival is all about.

The festival was launched 10 years ago to celebrate the summer solstice, which is longest day and shortest night of the year.

It’s hard to believe that a festival of such cruelty was Yulin, China’s best idea to celebrate the summer solstice. It could’ve been a festival to highlight that stray dogs and cats can be great pets like any other companion animals.

But, no, Yulin decided to go with torturing dogs and cats to death. I deliberately didn’t put any graphic videos in this post.

However, I’ll quickly describe how they kill dogs and cats. First, they blowtorch the dog alive. Once the dog has been singed and dazed with pain, they smash the dogs head with a bat several times. And to finish them off, they cook them alive.

One day someone will have to tell me the difference between the Holocaust and the Yulin Festival. Because they sure seem the same to me.

I have spoken to Kelly O’Meara from the Humane Society International several times over the years. She handles the HSI’s Anti Dog-meat campaigns. Kelly has helped bring close dog-meat farms, saving dogs and cats from the festival and helping educate the Asian culture that street animals can be loving companion animals do.

Two years back Kelly explained to me that most of China doesn’t eat dog-meat. It’s only a small percentage. She went onto to say that the younger generations are more compassionate towards animals and the dog-meat trade will continue it’s decent. Having said that, we also talked about how people were more likely to back off dog-meat if it could harm their health versus being exclusively compassionate towards the animals’s suffering.

Now, truth be told, that’s not new News. Animal Welfare organizations have always known that.

Despite all the progress and educating the masses, there are thousands of dogs and cats that died this week, and will die in the next few days in unspeakable ways.

My head hangs low for them tonight. I will not look the other way. Their lives meant something to the world.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

I Don’t Believe in God – I just believe in Love

I Don’t Believe In God. I Just Believe In Love

What do you do when you loved the most courageous boy in the history of the world? – You wear his name as a badge of honor.

Being Patrick’s father was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. And for that I made him crazy happy.

As I’ve written before, l would’ve moved mountains and swam across oceans for him. So, a Happy Birthday tattoo for him? Absolutely.

Patrick survived 5 big dog attacks and he was only 7 pounds. Grant it, I was there all 5 times and made heads roll to save him. But, holy shit was he courageous.

If I had to 2 more seconds on August 19th, 2018, I would’ve taken that hit for him. Unfortunately, I was one leg-stride behind him and Patrick was killed.

Justice For Patrick is a tireless journey. There will be no retreat. Stay tuned.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

Art thou Romeo

Good evening friends.

The more we love our pets, the more names we have for them.

This is Romeo. He’s so sweet and sensitive. The actual name that I’ve been calling him is “Art thou Romeo”. As I’ve gotten to know him better, Art thou Romeo is much more fitting.

I love Romeo, aka, Art thou Romeo like a crazy potato.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.

All Lives Matter – Reptiles Feel Love

Love is the Universal Language. All species speak it. Pic: Orlando Weekly

I have a very sad, but endearing story to share tonight. The only creatures that may have it tougher than stray dogs and cats in Puerto Rico, are Iguanas.

Absolute carnage day in and day our for Iguanas in Puerto Rico They’re attracted to the heat, and stay close to the streets where it’s hottest.

Today on my walk back from a lunch break haircut, two Iguanas attempted to cross the street on a very busy boulevard. At the midway point across, one of them was instantly killed by a car.

The surviving iguana put it’s arm around the deceased one, and wouldn’t flee the scene. Yes, the iguana was hugging and supporting the one that died. I saw it with my own eyes. The surviving iguana was prepared to die right then and there. Total loyalty.

I stopped traffic and attempted to distract the iguana back to the sidewalk. The Iguana refused to abandon the deceased. A pedestrian said to me, “this is how you to do it”, and picked up the dead one by his tail, and brought it over to the sidewalk. The living iguana immediately followed.

Conclusion: Love is the Universal Language. All species speak it.

Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.