DriveWithCompassion was created in January of 2018 for stray animals living on the streets of Puerto Rico and around the world. The things that I saw while living in Puerto Rico with respect to strays animals, can never be unseen.
The purpose of DriveWithCompassion is for people to incorporate animal welfare into their daily lives. When we get into our cars, it’s not just about the safety of other drivers and ourselves. We need to consider all living creatures living in the street and the wild. It’s not acceptable to just run over an animal like you ran over some garbage and leave them for dead. We must Drive With Compassion. There’s no humanity without animal welfare.
While DriveWithCompassion is mostly geared towards animal welfare and rescue, we also cover civil rights, gun violence, finance, major current event topics and etc. All topics are written from a perspective of humanity for both animals and people.
The DriveWithCompassion video above is one of the most powerful animal advocacy videos in decades. The last time the world heard such a powerful message was in 1980 when mothers formed the group “Mothers Against Drunk Driving.” Also known as MADD.
Only in NYC can a ten pound Pomeranian hang out with the business crowd in Times Square and nobody bats an eye. That’s New York City for you.
Coming from New York and deciding to go to New York University always bewildered my friends.
They used to say to me, “Scott, why would you go to NYU when you’re going to spend your whole life in New York? Don’t you want experience other parts of the country?
My answer was always the same; “Why would I want to do that?” NYC has people from all over the world. So by staying in NYC, I’m experiencing the world right here.” – Graduated NYU In 1993 with an accounting degree.
I never forget where it all began. It was Sammy that lead the way on this animal advocacy journey we’ve all been on.
We started out on the 54th Floor in the sky on 38th Street and 1st Avenue. We made our way all over NYC. We spent 4.3 years in Puerto Rico. We rescued 5 strays off the street. We lost Patrick in August of 2018.
Now, we’re in Florida starting over again. The Wolfpack is back together as of Thursday.
Sammy is 14 years old. This picture is from last night. – What’s next? I don’t know.
But until then, we’ll be going FB Live next Sunday at 7:30 pm EST.
This is the end of the Gun Industry as we know it. They can’t hide behind the words “The Right to Bear Arms” any longer. The gig is up. American knows that Guns are bad news. Quick Read:
Towards the end, I am going to cite an example with cocaine as the subject. It will be very easy and clear to understand. Then we can extrapolate the same for guns.
Over the past few months I have written extensively about America’s addiction to guns. Many of you have seen that. As such, I am going to keep it simple tonight. On August 11th, 2019 I wrote “The Times They Are A-Changin’ – And So Too Shall They for Guns.”
Guess what? It’s not even a month later, and so they have changed. Haven’t they? Walmart, Krogers, CVS, Walgreens and Wegmans, the biggest companies in the world are going to ask customers to stop openly carrying firearms. They’re also going to stop selling ammunition for military-style rifles and handguns, and will push Congress to pass tighter gun-control laws. It shows us that we don’t have wait for politicians to do the right thing. The people can force the markets hands.
If we dump 5 tons of Cocaine in neighborhood A, and in Neighborhood B, we dump thousands of books to read. Which Neighborhood will have more drug addicts at the end of the year? – You see folks, IT IS THE GUNS. IT IS THE GUNS.
Friends, we are finally going head to head with Stage 4 Gun Cancer. I’m proud of America. Not a proud American, but proud of America. To be a proud American, I need to see a war waged in the name of animal welfare.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s father. I stand vehemently against Hunting and the entire Gun Industry.
This video was shot 4 days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on September 24th, 2017. It is quite riveting to say the least. In the video I talk about how Hurricane Maria was very reminiscent to 9/11 in the sense that we went to bed in one life and woke up in another life. I also talk about the similarities in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and the Great Depression. Lastly, and just as importantly, I talk about how I truly understand what it’s like to live like an animal and the daily struggle to survive.
You can listen by Audio, or read the transcriptions below the audio:
Hurricane Maria was Puerto Rico’s 9/11. No question about it.
Good evening friends, thank you very much for stopping by I really appreciate that. Thank you for all the texts, the voice mails, the comments and all the help that’s been offered, that really rallied my morale, which to say the least, needed some rallying. I have a lot to comment on, I’m going to just read what I wrote so I don’t forget it. For the purposes of this video, just assume right now that it’s Sunday night September 24th at 7:15 pm that’s when this is intended to be posted. Puerto Rico has been devastated, it’s not an exaggeration, you see it on TV, you probably see it better than I do, you have the bird’s eye view from the helicopters from the main network so we don’t see on the ground but it has been that devastating.
To be honest, to me it felt like another 9/11 I remember going to bed on September 10th, 2001 not realizing that would be the last day that I ever slept downtown in New York City again. This was very reminiscent that four days ago on Wednesday September 20th. I remember the night before going to bed obviously we were expecting it the following morning. I went to bed on September 19th, 2017 on a Tuesday and we woke up on Wednesday and our lives changed on a dime, just like that. Here we are in recovery mode, so to speak, assessing the damage. Let me say why Hurricane Maria to me had extra bite and teeth even beyond the physical damage that it did; Hurricane Maria, despite being expected, caught people off guard. People in Puerto Rico, like myself were still exhausted from Hurricane Irma. Many people were still without power since Hurricane Irma hit on September 6th, so two weeks before Hurricane Maria even struck we had been dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma and the no power and just the complete just down of Puerto Rico, if you will, in terms of operating normally. The roads, the power, the communication had been annihilated. Although some of the stores are starting to open again, they only take cash and because the power is out, the banking system is paralyzed. So people find themselves in a catch 22, you can only use cash but you don’t have cash. Where are we going with that? Obviously people have some petty cash, but thats gonna have to be rectified as quickly as anything else. As many of you know, Puerto Rico was already dire straits financially, the truth is they’ve been struggling since 2006. And unlike the US, who had a financial crash in 2008 but then bounced into recovery and now prosperity, Puerto Rico never bounced. I did notice some signs of stabilization pre-hurricane, at the moment I can’t say that with confidence anymore. When the dust clears I will make sure to keep prepared for hurricanes in the future. My family and I used to travel to Puerto Rico in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s I don’t remember experiencing such hurricanes, but that might have to do with the fact that we didn’t travel in the hurricane season.
Friends, you know I’m a slow learner, I just caught on to that, hurricane season means hurricanes could happen, but we didn’t travel during that time of the year in those years when we used to travel to Puerto Rico. The being is I’m very fond of this Island and I’ve felt this way for decades. So, where do we go from here? Here’s where: we’re going to suit up and show up. We’re going to man up because the sun will shine again, nothing lasts forever even cold November rain, Guns N’ Roses had that one right, didn’t they? I certainly need to remind myself about that now. With that, Peace and Love, friends. Here’s a toast to brighter days ahead because they are coming.
The Plant Based Revolution is exploding like a Rocketship. The Company Beyond Meat had the biggest IPO (Initial Public Offering) on Wall Street in 2019 so far. Bigger than UBER’s IPO. Wow.
Even the companies that have been the biggest offenders of animal welfare have added plant based/vegan options to their businesses and menus. From Tyson Foods, to Subway and McDonald’s. Now, did they do it altruistically or did the market force their hand? – Of course we know the answer to that. But, we will get to a point where markets are created with good intentions, not just because the market forced businesses hands. “Lives before Profits.”
The war on plastics has been waged by countries and companies across the world. China is using banana peels to bag groceries at the grocery store. Adidas is using plastics collected in the ocean to make sneakers.
We have groups coming together around the world and planting millions of new trees to breathe life back into the atmosphere.
The Gun Industry (NRA) is fighting tooth and nail to keep the status-quo because they know there’s No place for them in the new world. And they’re right. The millennials, generation Z, and many of us don’t want guns in the new world.
Even the CEO of Dykes Sporting Goods took a stance a year ago. They stopped selling high capacity magazines in all stores. Now, for the record, I still think Dykes is disgusting with all the hunting equipment they sell. But, to the CEO’s credit again, they’re testing a phase out of the Hunting Departments in some of their stores.
In 2013, I wrote and recorded the Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal. The message was about America’s sick perversion with guns and killing. You can read it or hear the message on DriveWithCompassion(dot)com.
The Gun industry is in their last innings in terms of time. Eventually, ordinary citizens will only be allowed to have a regular pistol that shoots 6 bullets, one at at time. And the law will require gun owners to carry gun insurance. That will be the end of the gun industry as we know it.
What scares me is that the ending innings can be the most violent. Meaning more Mass Shootings before the new landscape is adopted.
America has a BIG OPPORTUNITY here. The question is “WHEN” will they take it? – But at least it’s a question of “WHEN” versus a question of “IF”.
Scott Smith Rescued Lucky in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico on May 10th, 2017
The World Wasn’t Big Enough –
The night I rescued Lucky, I realized no matter how big the world was, it wasn’t big enough for us to not find each other.
When I met Lucky, I was electrified by him. I had that Patrick kind of feeling for him. Little did he and I know that 4 months later, after being blasted by Hurricane Maria, I’d launch the Lucky In Love Relief Fund for Stray Animals in Puerto Rico.
Lucky was the face of that fund and the reason it was created. I raised $7,000 dollars and helped a good amount of stray animals.I’ll always be lucky in love with Lucky.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father and General to the greatest Wollfpak in the history of the world. Wolfpak 8 to be precise.
As the one year anniversary of Patrick’s death is upon us, and the endless mass shootings in America, I am reminded how fragile life is.
I didn’t say precious. To each their own on that. As for me, I’m not in that camp. I see life as fragile and random.
Today I look back very satisfied that I never had kids. The reason I was willing to take on 7 dogs is because they were already born and needed help. But to deliberately bring life to into THIS WORLD, I just couldn’t buy into that.
My seven dogs and I aren’t a traditional family. But, we’re a family nonetheless. If I live long enough to see all 7 of them live out their full lives, I’ll consider myself very successful.
And yet again, more mass shootings (plural).
Don’t fear Al Queda. Fear your fellow man. More specially, a young white male in their late teens or 20’s. The NRA is the largest terrorist organization in the United States. And they hide behind these words: “The Right to Bear Arms” – More on that below:
1. On Saturday August 3rd, 21 year old, Patrick Crusius from a Dallas Suburb walked into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas and open fired on customers leaving 20 dead and 26 wounded. The Gunman was taken into custody.
2. Within 24 hours on August 4th, 24-year-old Connor Betts, of Bellbrook, Ohio open fired on a crowd of people in downtown Dayton’s Oregon District. He killed 9 people and wounded 27 others. The gunman was killed.
3. On July 28th, just 6 days ago, 19 year old Santino William Legen open fired with an AK-47 at a food festival on Sunday night, in Gilroy, California leaving 3 dead and 17 wounded. Lagen killed a 6 year old boy, 13 year old girl and a young man in his 20’s. The Gunman was killed.
America has a severe gun addiction. And like with any addiction, if not treated will destroy lives and continue to destroy lives. – “The Right to Bear Arms” has become one giant euphemism for the gun industry to sell as many guns as humanly possible. A regular 6 chamber pistol that shoots 6 bullets will protect you just fine.
– The U.S makes up 4 percent of the world’s population but owns over 40 percent of the world’s guns. – There are 850 million civilian guns in the world spread across 230 countries. – The U.S. own 400 million of those civilian guns. There are only 320 million people in the the U.S.
Is anyone surprised that the U.S. has more mass shootings than any other country on earth? – Well, you shouldn’t be. It’s basic math. We have way too many guns in circulation.
Why are AK-47’s, Assault Rifles, AR-15’s or any Semi-Automatics being manufactured in the first place? – Great question. Easy answer, “Profits”. This is not a money bashing article. I’m from Wall Street. I like money. But at the expense of people and animals getting killed left and right? – No, I don’t like money that much. If people believe that it’s morally OK to own these types of guns just because they’re legal, they’re a Huge part of the problem. Their values are inverted.
The gun industry doesn’t sell protection as they profess. They sell fear, anxiety and death. Life Insurance companies sell protection. I believe the term, “The Right to Bears Arms” has become one giant euphemism to guise the gun industry’s real intentions, “Sell as many guns as possible”
The NRA is wrong when they say, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Let’s flip that right side up, “Guns and people, kill animals and people.”
America Values are inverted. It’s supposed to be “Lives before Profits.” – Not the other way around.
Now, the gun problem is a two-sided coin. The gun industry is the main culprit. But, the buyers of these killing machines are a close second. You can read and hear (audio) about the psychology behind America’s obsession with guns and killing.
Solution to substantially eradicate mass shootings and gun violence right now.
We need to ban all guns listed above. No ordinary citizens (non law-enforcement) should be permitted to own any firearms other than a regular pistol and/or a two barrel shotgun (can only shoot two bullets, one at a time, and then has to reloaded). Gun owners should be required by law to buy gun insurance. Crazy? – No, it isn’t. We do it with cars. We most certainly should force insurance on gun owners.
Yes, the above would destroy the Gun Industry. That’s a good thing. We don’t need a booming Gun Industry.
I’ll close with comments for my LinkedIn community. I don’t want you swimming in my waters if you support the NRA in any way, shape, or form. If you do, please remove our connection. If anyone in my LinkedIn community thinks that ordinary citizens (non law-enforcement) should be allowed to have AK-47’s, Assault Rifles, AR-15’s or any Semi Automatic weapons, I want you to remove our connection.
The real meaning of the 2nd Amendment and the psychology behind it. You can listen by audio or read the transcription below. This was originally recorded in 2013.
Things to remember as you’re listening or reading this message – – The U.S makes up 4 percent of the world’s population, but owns over 40 percent of the world’s guns. – There are 850 million civilian guns in the world spread across 230 countries. – The U.S. own 400 million of those civilian guns. There are only 320 million people in the the U.S.
You can verify with Reuters, Forbes and the Washington post. All three news outlets picked up a story about the Small Arms Survey. Please verify for yourself.
Those number make it crystal clear that “The Right to Bear Arms’ has very little to do with self protection and much more to do with America’s Obsession with guns and killing. The U.S. has an addiction to guns the world has never seen before. As we know, the U.S. also has a Opiate addiction. And like with any addiction if not treated, it will destroy lives.
Hello friends, Dr. Harp Seal here, thanks for stopping by. I want to shine some light on the second amendment from the perspective from an animal.
As we all know the second amendment is the right to bear arms, it is a right people have. Without getting into if its good or bad, it’s just the way it is. I would imagine that a lot of the animal abuses we speak of, like trophy hunts, canned hunting, deer hunting farms or the black bear hunts in New Jersey and so on, are the same people pounding their chest about this precious second amendment.
The right to bear arms was so people can protect themselves. The people that fight tooth and nail for that protection are the same people going on the offense all year round from specie to specie killing innocent animals. Let’s move onto an annual squirrel hunt in Holley, New York, which is a fundraiser for the Holley Fire Department. It’s literally a contest amongst families, kids included, to kill squirrels. We also recently spoke about an annual racoon hunt in Memphis, Tennessee which is a fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. And for my last example tonight comes from a twitter picture that recently went viral of a man who blew away a mother polar bear right in front the baby bear and then took a picture of this horrific scene with himself in the picture.
So, where am I going with this? Here’s where: All these people that enjoy killing animals can say: “we did it to feed the locals, we did it for population control or we do it for the kids with cancer”. So I want to cut all these euphemisms and clear the deck; people like to kill animals, they always have. And that’s why they will kill any animal for any cause at any time of the year.
When I think of it in those terms, I wonder if the second amendment is one giant euphemism to kill innocent animals any chance you get. Because animals may not be mentioned in the amendment but sure are taking the brunt of it. I will conclude with Dr. Harp Seal’s revision of the slogan “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. The revisions is: “Guns and people kill animals and people”. Thanks everybody, have a nice night.
19 year old Santino William Legen open fired with an AK-47 at a food festival on Sunday night, July 28th 2019 in Gilroy, California leaving 3 dead and 17 wounded. Lagen killed a 6 year old boy, 13 year old girl and a young man in his 20’s. He was able to fire 4 bullets per second said the bystanders. If the Police hadn’t killed him as quickly as they did, he would’ve killed dozens of people.
Lagen purchased the AK-47 legally in Nevada on July 9th. I hope the Gun Salesman had a blast in the city of sin with his commission on that gun sale. It’s amazing, you can’t buy a beer at 19 years old, but an assault rifle, how many you want? – “SOLD TO YOU”
The definition of “Insanity” is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The definition of “Stupidity” is knowing it’s insane, and doing it anyway.
No ordinary citizen should be permitted to own any guns other than a regular pistol and/or a two barrel shotgun. That will substantially reduce mass shootings and gun deaths right now.
Gun Control will help. It won’t solve everything, but it will help. New Zealand experienced one mass shooting back in March of 2019, and within 3 days completely revamped their gun laws and policies.
We’re so busy arguing over keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill (which is a given), that we’re defying basic arithmetic.The U.S. owns 35 percent of the world’s gun population. There are 197 countries in the world. Think about that. There are way too many Guns in circulation
This has nothing to do with rights anymore. It’s just basic math. The U.S. has more mass shooting than any country on earth.It’s supposed to be “Lives before Profits”, not the other way around. We don’t need a booming gun industry. We need a change in values.
The gun industry doesn’t sell protection as they profess. They sell fear, anxiety and death. Life Insurance companies sell protection.I believe the term, “The Right to Bears Arms” has become one giant euphemism to guise the gun industry’s real intentions, “Sell as many guns as possible”
The NRA is wrong when they say, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Let’s flip that right side up, “Guns and people, kill animals and people.” – The obsession with guns and killing is out of control.
The US needs to put Lives before Profits. Until we do that, we’re going to have more mass shootings. Whose kids are Next?