Justice For George Floyd Delivered – Thank You Darnella Frazier

Darnella Frazier Delivered Justice For George Floyd with her Courage, poise and Smartphone

17 year old Darnella Frazier is the one who filmed the Derek Chauvin murder of George Floyd. It’s her video we’ve all been watching the past year. It’s her video that changed the world.

On Tuesday April 20, 2021, Derek Chuavin was convicted of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in George Floyd’s death. He’s facing up to 40 years in prison.

Policing forever changed yesterday. The Police will no longer look the other way when their colleagues commit dastardly acts. Accountability is called to order. That’s a good thing for all communities.

Everyone knows we need the police. Nobody’s disputing that. But, we don’t need police like Derek Chauvin and the 3 complicit officers that just sat there and let the murder take place. We have to think of policing like we do pilots with airplanes. We expect perfection. Otherwise, people die.

Touchdown for humanity.

DriveWithCompassion is calling for Darnella Frazier to be Time Magazine’s Person of the Year

Rocky, Dad and My PATRICK Cross

Rocky and Dad

After a very busy day, it’s nice to lay down with my little Big guy, Rocky. He’s little in the sense that he’s my boy. He’s big in the sense that when we playfight, I have black and blue marks all over my body. Lol. I guess it’s true what they say, “Love Hurts.”

I rescued Rocky off the street in Puerto Rico on November 19th, 2015. Please Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals in the street.

The United States Of Mass Shootings – Your Family Could Be Next

Picture by Clipartkey

America has an addiction to guns like the world has never seen. And like with any addiction, unless the addict admits it’s a problem, the carnage will continue.    

Yet again, we have 2 mass shootings in one week. 19 year old Scott Hole shot and killed 8 people at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis this past Thursday. He then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. It’s interesting that at 19 years old, you can’t buy a beer, but you can legally purchase a semiautomatic rifle.

Then, last night in the wee hours going into Sunday morning, an unidentified man walked into the Somers House Bar in Kenosha, Wisconsin and opened fire killing 3 people and injuring 3 others. The shooter has been arrested, but his name has not been released. 


Even if there were no bad guys, no mentally ill people and no terrorists, there are way too many guns in circulation. The US is 4% of the world’s populations, but owns over 40% of the world’s guns. If our society is so blinded by guns, greed and death that it can’t respect basic arithmetic, this will keep happening. 

DriveWithCompassion is calling for the below in order to eradicate most mass shootings:

  • 1. Ordinary citizens should NOT be allowed to own any firearms other than a regular pistol that shoots 6 bullets, one at a time. 
  • 2. Require all gun owners to purchase gun insurance. 
  • 3. Ban ALL Military Style Weapons. 
  • 4. Education. What do I mean by education? People need to understand that guns are bad. Just like drugs are bad. Guns are bad. Guns should not be a hobby or a pastime. It’s literally killing our society. Instead of hunting and shooting clay pigeons, take your family out to dinner. Instead of your teenagers playing Mortal Combat type games for 5 hours a day, have them volunteer at an animal shelter.

There’s no place for guns in the digital age. Millennials and Generation Z don’t want our guns, greed and wars. It’s time to repeal the 2nd Amendment and replace it with common sense gun control. If that means destroying the gun industry, so be it. We don’t need a booming gun industry. It’s supposed to be lives before profits. Not the other way around. 

Thank you for hearing me out. 

Derek Chauvin – The Judge, The Jury and the Executioner

Picture by: KSTP.com

We have to think of Policing like we do Pilots with airplanes. We expect perfection when it comes to life and death matters. What Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd can Never happen again.

Floyd was tortured to death for 9 1/2 minutes by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. The whole world saw it on video. But, if that wasn’t enough to convince you that Floyd was murdered, perhaps the 26 witnesses did, which included Paramedics, EMT’s, the Minneapolis Chief of Police, the Minneapolis Police Lieutenant, a use of force trainer for the Minneapolis Police, an on duty Minneapolis firefighter, a Martial Arts expert and etc.

Whether people want to make Floyd a martyr or not, to each their own on that. But, this totally avoidable murder needs to be a lesson to other bloodthirsty police officers and their complicit colleagues. Floyd tried to buy cigarettes and food with a $20 forged check. And then he was choked to death for 9 1/2 minutes by the police.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, tragically, it’s a crime to be poor in the United States. And that just ain’t right man.

Please Share.

The 2% Wealth Tax and The Math Behind It

It’s time to wipe out all of student debt. DriveWithCompassion is a big believer in the 2% wealth tax. It’s time to Everybody wins here, including the rich.

Remember, the first $50 Million is free and clear from any wealth tax.

Let’s say your worth $100 Million: The first $50 Million won’t get taxed at all. The second $50 Million will be taxed 2%. That equals $1 Million. – So you’re still worth $99 Million. What’s the problem?

Let’s say your worth $150 Million: The first $50 Million won’t be taxed at all. You will be taxed 2% on $100 Million. That equals $2 Million. So you’re still worth $148 Million. What’s the problem?

Let’s say you’re worth $200 Million: The first $50 Million will not be taxed at all. You will be taxed 2% on $150 Million. That equals $3 Million. So, you’re still worth $197 Million. What’s the problem?

Think about those numbers. The rich stay extremely rich. But, the wealth tax can give everyone the opportunity to go to college for free. It also can wipe out current student debt.

Guess what happens when young professionals are not drowning in student debt? – They can buy cars, rent apartments and have more disposable income to buy things.

Guess what that’s good for? The ECONOMY. That’s called a Win. Win.

Veterans Day 2020

DriveWithCompassion salutes all those who’ve served and are serving in the military. The price of freedom is not cheap. We think the greatest respect we can show our armed forces is to Not send them into frivolous wars.

We want to thank retired Armyman, Emmanuel Enrique Dextre for having the United States Army make this uniform for Sammy here in the picture. It’s Not a costume. This was made for Sammy by US Army.


Scott Smith – Sammy and Patrick’s human dad, and General to the greatest Wolfpack in history. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.

Sammy Respected All Things Nature

He knew to let a bee just be.

All animals, marine life, reptiles, rodents, insects and etc. have their place and purpose in nature.

Hubris and arrogance got us into this mess. Humility and nobility can bring us out.

The Path to a better World flows through the Humane treatment of All Living Creatures.

Labor Day – 2020

Today we honor the contributions and achievements of American workers. Labor Day was created by the Labor movement in the late 19th Century and became a federal holiday in 1894. It is observed on the first Monday in September. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of the summer as Americans gear up for the last quarter of the year.

Sammy always respected the working man as that is exactly how he started his journey.

Happy Labor Day friends.

New Aortic Valve – New Lease On Life

Jo Ann Smith – Post Op from her Aortic Valve Replacement

You have to be cognizant of your surroundings and pay attention to the people around you.

On April 21st 2008 my mother had her aortic valve replaced. A valve normally lasts for 12 to 15 years. My mother turned 77 years old on July 3rd. I did a birthday post of she and I at Olive Gardens if you remember.

I started noticing my mother was having similar symptoms like back in 2008: short of breath, really weak and looking very grey. Meaning her circulation was severely comprised. If you go back to that birthday post a few weeks ago, you can see what I’m talking about.

On Wednesday night July 22nd, my mother’s symptoms went into a tailspin. The next day I checked her into the hospital and 8 days later they replaced her valve. Her life was saved and the quality of her life restored.

A Toast to Rosy cheeks and Circulation as you can see.

A Five Prong Connection – Magical

The stars were aligned on Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

I’ve been longing for just a moment with Sammy and Patrick again. Last night I got a little taste of that while out with my childhood friends, Lloyd and Stacey Lapidus.

This is Riley here in the picture with me. He’s a 20 year old Pomeranian. Yep, 20 years old. He’s very sweet and lively. I was holding him similarly to the way I used to hold Sammy. – Riley flowed very well with it.

Between my childhood friends, Pomeranian Riley and my Patrick tattoo, if only for a moment, life lit up the sky for me last night.

Maybe it’s true what Albert Einstein says:
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”