Kids + Back to School + Coronavirus = Russian Roulette

I never wanted kids. I even got divorced in 2001 to a woman that I loved very much to avoid having them. I’ve never played one activity with a child in my life. I’ve never taken my nieces or nephews to a ballgame hoping to win one for the gipper. It’s just not my bag. Animal Welfare is my bag.

But, what’s that got to do with science???

North Carolina told the President he CAN’T have the Convention in their state. The POTUS then changed the venue to Florida. – Just 3 days later, Trump cancelled the convention saying “It’s not the right time.”

There are 7 billion people in the world. Yet, there’s only one person who refused to wear a mask the past 6 months. His name is Donald Trump. He finally put a mask on his face 10 days ago for the first time in public. Let that serve as the loudest alarm you’ve ever heard regarding your kids’ safety.

Thoughts, prayers & Jesus did nothing to stop the Mass Shooting Epidemic in the US. They’ll also do Nothing to stop with Coronvirus.

Parents, STICK WITH SCIENCE. – Make your own decisions about sending your kids back to school. Relying on an administration that’s devoid of reality is playing Russian Roulette with your kids.

I wouldn’t take those risks for my Pups!!!