Today is my mother’s 79th birthday. Sadly, we sent her back to the hospital last night for the 4th time since June 14. She tested positive again for Covid last night.
I’ve never seen my mother this weak or disoriented before. Covid has not only taken all of her strength, but it’s also taken her mind. She has not moved off the couch or chair in weeks. She’s not eating or drinking either. So, my sister and I keep sending her back to the hospital.
For those of you that had mild cases, you’re very fortunate. My family and I did not have that experience. I was burning up with fever, hallucinating and seeing blurry on June 13th when I tested positive. You all know me. Would I ever call 911 on myself? That’s how sick I was. – Now, my mother has lost her life as she knows it. Until otherwise noted. And all of this happened inside of 3 weeks.
We’re going to send her to rehab next week to see if she can get her strength back. If she can’t, then she’ll effectively become a vegetable and have zero quality of life. That’s the real score. There’s no spinning this one positively at the moment.
Mick Jagger was right in 1966 when he sang “What a drag it is getting old.” He was only 23 years old when the Rolling Stones wrote that song.
Did he see Covid back then? Who knows!