George Floyd – A Sliver Lining

It was the murder that shocked the world. It was these worlds that shocked the world: “I can’t breath. Please. I can’t breath. Mama! Mama, I’m through.”

Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin tortured and suffocated African American George Floyd to death for 9 straight minutes. It was arguably the longest 9 minutes in history. The world died with Floyd that day.

Floyd’s death was the straw the broke the camel’s back (pun intended). This is the beginning of the end of Police Brutality. No more. In some cities, police officers are marching with protestors, taking a knee in the Kaepernick position and holding up signs against police brutality. That’s some positive change right there.

Murals of George Floyd going up in countries around the world. Even Iran put up a George Floyd mural. The world is tired of America’s police brutality towards black people. Americans are also tired of police brutality towards African Americans.

We all need the police. Nobody’s disputing that. But, we also know that the only thing worse than a thug, is a thug with a badge. We the people, are policing the police with our smartphones.

The US has an opportunity here to make it right. George Floyd did not die in vain. Black Lives DO Matter.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Sincerely, Scott Smith