My goal from here is very simple: I just want to see my Wolfpack live out their lives safely and happily. And I’d like to meet and connect with nice people along the way.
I don’t care about things like travel and culture. You can put me at the Sistine Chapel or Dunkin Donuts, it’s the same experience for me. It’s about the people I’m spending spending time with. I’ve been this way my whole life just like here in the picture in 1975. I was 6 years old.
It would be nice If my human family and I can cross paths again in these later chapter years. But whether it’s this or that, I’m a simpleton. I just want to grab some coffee, (sometimes wine) and talk animals, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Def Leppard and Madonna.
That’s my full picture friends. It’s not sexy. But, it’s my truth.
My birthday wish is for people from around the world to please Drive With Compassion. There are stray animals in the street.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Sammy and Patrick’s human dad and General to the greatest Wolfpack in the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.