What do you do when love someone more than the word “love” itself? – That’s an easy one. You put a tattoo of that someone on your body.
This is a future birthday present to myself. I had planned on having it done already, but the pandemic lock-downs obviously complicated that.
In the spirit of remaining consistent with living out-loud, this was another horrible year. Losing Sammy was another life changing event. The kind of event where your life can never be the same.
The only joyful moment I had this past year was when I got my big dogs back from Puerto Rico. My 50 year was two thumbs down. That comes on the heals of my 49th year, which was two thumbs down as well.
I wish I could size it up differently, but that would be disingenuous because it’s not true.
Karen Kirkman Hanckel and friends that reached out, I really appreciate it. You’ve all stuck with me from the very beginning. It’s been about 10 years now. Although I am ungrateful in my life at this time, I am grateful towards your friendship.
We’ll see what happens from here, but I am very displeased with the last 2+ years. Keeping it real.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Sammy and Patrick’s Father, and General to the greatest Wolfpack in the history of the world. Wolfpack 8 to be precise.