A Five Prong Connection – Magical

The stars were aligned on Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

I’ve been longing for just a moment with Sammy and Patrick again. Last night I got a little taste of that while out with my childhood friends, Lloyd and Stacey Lapidus.

This is Riley here in the picture with me. He’s a 20 year old Pomeranian. Yep, 20 years old. He’s very sweet and lively. I was holding him similarly to the way I used to hold Sammy. – Riley flowed very well with it.

Between my childhood friends, Pomeranian Riley and my Patrick tattoo, if only for a moment, life lit up the sky for me last night.

Maybe it’s true what Albert Einstein says:
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”