The Coronavirus has forced humanity to slow down and take a look at itself.
People from all over the world are putting aside their religion, nationality, gender, political ideologies, sexual orientation and education to come together and defeat a global threat traveling at light speed, the coronavirus.
Maybe tragedy was necessary to shine light on what’s been true all along. We’re all citizens of the same world. We all breathe the same oxygen. If you take away our ideological differences stripping us down to just our biological state, we’re all really the same. Aren’t we?
Today, I feel more like a citizen of the world than I do an American. My American oxygen is no different than the oxygen of countries and cultures that I have nothing in common with. And because of that realization, I actually have the most important thing in common with all of those countries and cultures, The Planet!!!
Oh yes friends, Humanity is on the Rise. Humanity is most definitely on the rise. I’m fired up.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Citizen of the World.