The Plant Based Revolution is exploding like a Rocketship. The Company Beyond Meat had the biggest IPO (Initial Public Offering) on Wall Street in 2019 so far. Bigger than UBER’s IPO. Wow.
Even the companies that have been the biggest offenders of animal welfare have added plant based/vegan options to their businesses and menus. From Tyson Foods, to Subway and McDonald’s. Now, did they do it altruistically or did the market force their hand? – Of course we know the answer to that. But, we will get to a point where markets are created with good intentions, not just because the market forced businesses hands. “Lives before Profits.”
The war on plastics has been waged by countries and companies across the world. China is using banana peels to bag groceries at the grocery store. Adidas is using plastics collected in the ocean to make sneakers.
We have groups coming together around the world and planting millions of new trees to breathe life back into the atmosphere.
The Gun Industry (NRA) is fighting tooth and nail to keep the status-quo because they know there’s No place for them in the new world. And they’re right. The millennials, generation Z, and many of us don’t want guns in the new world.
Even the CEO of Dykes Sporting Goods took a stance a year ago. They stopped selling high capacity magazines in all stores. Now, for the record, I still think Dykes is disgusting with all the hunting equipment they sell. But, to the CEO’s credit again, they’re testing a phase out of the Hunting Departments in some of their stores.
In 2013, I wrote and recorded the Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal. The message was about America’s sick perversion with guns and killing. You can read it or hear the message on DriveWithCompassion(dot)com.
The Gun industry is in their last innings in terms of time. Eventually, ordinary citizens will only be allowed to have a regular pistol that shoots 6 bullets, one at at time. And the law will require gun owners to carry gun insurance. That will be the end of the gun industry as we know it.
What scares me is that the ending innings can be the most violent. Meaning more Mass Shootings before the new landscape is adopted.
America has a BIG OPPORTUNITY here. The question is “WHEN” will they take it? – But at least it’s a question of “WHEN” versus a question of “IF”.
Sincerely, Scott Smith, Patrick’s Father.