The real meaning of the 2nd Amendment and the psychology behind it. You can listen by audio or read the transcription below. This was originally recorded in 2013.
Things to remember as you’re listening or reading this message –
– The U.S makes up 4 percent of the world’s population, but owns over 40 percent of the world’s guns.
– There are 850 million civilian guns in the world spread across 230 countries.
– The U.S. own 400 million of those civilian guns. There are only 320 million people in the the U.S.
You can verify with Reuters, Forbes and the Washington post. All three news outlets picked up a story about the Small Arms Survey. Please verify for yourself.
Those number make it crystal clear that “The Right to Bear Arms’ has very little to do with self protection and much more to do with America’s Obsession with guns and killing. The U.S. has an addiction to guns the world has never seen before. As we know, the U.S. also has a Opiate addiction. And like with any addiction if not treated, it will destroy lives.
Hello friends, Dr. Harp Seal here, thanks for stopping by. I want to shine some light on the second amendment from the perspective from an animal.
As we all know the second amendment is the right to bear arms, it is a right people have. Without getting into if its good or bad, it’s just the way it is. I would imagine that a lot of the animal abuses we speak of, like trophy hunts, canned hunting, deer hunting farms or the black bear hunts in New Jersey and so on, are the same people pounding their chest about this precious second amendment.
The right to bear arms was so people can protect themselves. The people that fight tooth and nail for that protection are the same people going on the offense all year round from specie to specie killing innocent animals. Let’s move onto an annual squirrel hunt in Holley, New York, which is a fundraiser for the Holley Fire Department. It’s literally a contest amongst families, kids included, to kill squirrels. We also recently spoke about an annual racoon hunt in Memphis, Tennessee which is a fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. And for my last example tonight comes from a twitter picture that recently went viral of a man who blew away a mother polar bear right in front the baby bear and then took a picture of this horrific scene with himself in the picture.
So, where am I going with this? Here’s where: All these people that enjoy killing animals can say: “we did it to feed the locals, we did it for population control or we do it for the kids with cancer”. So I want to cut all these euphemisms and clear the deck; people like to kill animals, they always have. And that’s why they will kill any animal for any cause at any time of the year.
When I think of it in those terms, I wonder if the second amendment is one giant euphemism to kill innocent animals any chance you get. Because animals may not be mentioned in the amendment but sure are taking the brunt of it. I will conclude with Dr. Harp Seal’s revision of the slogan “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. The revisions is: “Guns and people kill animals and people”. Thanks everybody, have a nice night.